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About costelasleontin

  • Birthday 12/17/1983

costelasleontin's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. Try to use DSDTEditor because its simpler to handle. You need to install java to use it and restart pc. Also you can find the guide to use DSDTEditor in the link with simultan igpu , dgpu , egpu.
  2. My r9 290 works with pcie 3 but I know it uses pcie 2 on Exp Gdc Beast adapter from gpuz and from setup 1.3. Also I disabled dgpu in dev manager and also the igpu and when I restart I can see r9 290 in dev manager but I get a system hang in the course of installing driver. For some reason I cant access setup 1.3 (because it just restarts system) while doing this operations to switch from 2.0 to 1.0 pcie link.
  3. I installed win 10 and for some reason I dont know I got other errors in the dsl file which I could fix. I did the override and got the large memory but my notebook hangs at driver instalation even if I uninstalled dgpu drivers so there are no conflicts. Still managed to figure out that manually installation installs drivers for both egpu and dgpu but not properlly because of freez.
  4. for @<!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->jay_dark_dry<!-- google_ad_section_end --> use the ? button near PCIE 3.0x16..... and run the test and u will see bandwidth, texture fill rate and the other info
  5. Hi guys I have a samsung ativ book 8 8gb ram 3635qm cpu igpu hd4000 dgpu hd8870m egpu radeon r9 290. I disabled dgpu in dev manager but I get code 12 on egpu so need a dsdt override trouble is the type of error I get which I havent found a fix on the web I never have seen this type of object does not exist error so any help is apreciated. Btw I use DSDTEditor and my newb to dsl editing. BTW2 I can mod bios and modify TOLUD from 3.25gb downward could that fix error 12 if I pick a certain size so I dont need override?
  6. Hello everyone. My system is samsung ativ book 8 np880z5e-01at , i7 3635qm cpu , 8gb ram , hm76 chipset , igpu hd4000 , dgpu amd radeon hd8870m , egpu1 amd r9 290 , egpu2 nvidia gf440gt. As an adapter I bo7ght an Exp Gdc v6 Beast. I conected all conectors to adapter : 4pin cpu and 24 pin to 620w cooler master psu , 8pin to adaper , 6pin and 8pin pcie conectors of psu to r9 290 and the hdmi to adapter and in the notebook pulled out wifi card and inserted minipcie conector. All conections good and red led lights up and egpus and psu fans work when notebook turned on. On win10 with dgpu disabled in dev manager CTD off and PTD 12sec got to see 290 in dev manager but code 12. Used setup 1.3 to do compaction but couldnt get from win loading to startup screen. Disabled dgpu in setup 1.3 and i could see r9 290 in dev manager. Installed manually latest catalyst driver but could not see nothing on external monitor tried 440gt and got same result. Tried dsdt override with Dsdteditor and used fix errors in compile menu which got me 4 obj not exists errors. An aml file did though compile and I loaded its table but that resulted in windows boot bust ☺. Got win 8 up and tried with Ctd off Ptd off dgpus disabled in setup to boot but with 290 it hangs before win start screen. Tried powering down and up psu and got after a few attepts to see 290 in dev manager. At first I had bsod when I had hd4000 on win basic driver but when I instaled samsung driver I got both igpu and egpu2 to be seen properlly in dev manager (seems samsung driver contains last catalyst drivers so i didnt need this time to manually install them). Even though both could be seen I could not get egpu2 to display on external monitor. Than I switched on 440 gt and with dgpu disabled in setup 1.3 I got to boot without problem and installed manually nvidia driver. Got desktop to display on external monitor but when starting games id get nvidia drivers hang. Installed dxwebsetup and that made the system see external monitor as main monitor. Switched pcie from x1.2 to x1.1 and driver hang stoped but the performance is poor on external monitor like its on igpu that makes me think igpu reders but it displays thru egpu1. The main monitor switch done by dx install seems odd. Also id be glad for any advice on how to make 290 speed god to work. Btw considering how much u need to learn about dsl files dsdt override aint so easy. Tnx for bearing with my text wall.
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