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About iKannabis

  • Birthday 01/05/1987

iKannabis's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. The laptop has only allowed me to install Windows 8 any time that I've reinstalled an OS. I only have a 4GB flash drive handy. Any suggestions?
  2. I've changed from Gen2 to Gen1 using your setup. I'm using a Corsair CX 430 Power Supply. I also tried dropping the voltage and clock speeds to their bare minimum. I'm still getting a high GPU usage and crashes.
  3. Hi. I just bought a DIY eGPU kit and Setup 1.3 but I'm still having trouble getting it to run correctly. I'm still getting a huge GPU load and continual crashing while trying to play a game or watch a video for that matter. Below are specs. Please help with an install instructional. PLEASE HP Pavilion G6-2233nr Core i3-2370m Sandy Bridge EXP GDC Beast v6.0 Asus GTX 560TI
  4. Hello all. I just recently purchased a DIY eGPU kit for my laptop and I'm having some trouble getting it to run correctly. As far as installation goes I have all the drivers and I can get the 560 to display on my monitor but when I play a game the GPU gains an extreme load and crashes on me over and over. I'm assuming it doesn't have enough bus resource to push. I've tried turning down all the frequencies including voltage in GPU-z and it will run for a little while longer than usual but not by much. If anyone could help me fix this problem it would be greatly appreciated..
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