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Kone last won the day on June 17 2015

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About Kone

  • Birthday 06/24/1994

Kone's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. First Post Hello there again, so sadly, after reinstalling Win10 and later Win8.1, the problem of my monitors not being recognized by the eGPU still persists in both cases. And even worse, now i get black screens every now and then when connecting the eGPU to my system (but they instantly disappear and I'm landing in the Windows login-screen when removing the eGPU again). Can anybody help me? Any ideas left on how to fix the monitors not being recognized or what causes and how to avoid black screens? I'm getting quite frustrated and only have a few days left before i have to send the GPU back if i don't want to keep it. Kone
  2. No responses after two days? Guess I'll have to reinstall Windows then. I'll first try the Win10 Preview again and if this doesn't work, I'll downgrade to Win8.1. After that I will give feedback whether it worked or not for future reference. See you later, Kone
  3. Hello there, so i'm currently building up my first eGPU setup and have encountered some problems. But first, my specs: 1. OS: Windows 10 Insider Preview 10130 2. System: Lenovo Thinkpad T430 with Intel HD4000 and (currently deactivated) Nvidia NVS 5400 3. RAM: 8GB 4. eGPU: Asus Strix Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 OC 5. PSU specification: Power LC600H-12 | 20A at 12V1 So, the problem is: after successfully performing a DSDT override, I finally got rid of the Code 12 error and now I can see my Intel HD4000 and my Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 OC cards in the device manager (latest drivers should be installed, there’s even a factory-fresh Windows 10 driver out there for the GTX!), buuuuuut my system doesn’t recognize any monitors connected via the GTX (and also, Nvidia Control Panel doesn’t open). Troubleshooting doesn’t cover this case and I found no clue about problems regarding the GTX 960 being used as an eGPU. However, I've found three older threads of people encountering the same problem: Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Unfortunately, none of them gave feedback if the provided solutions worked, and also those solutions (which really only break down to: reinstall OS) were kinda shady and not very clear. Can someone confirm me that reinstalling the OS works (I also wouldn’t mind downgrading to Win8.1 for the time being if it’s the only possible solution to the problem), or provide me with an alternative? I’d really appreciate any help greatly! Kone Edit: So, uh ... I don't know why my post was moved into a pre-purchase question thread, but it's actually not that. I have already gathered and assembled all the hardware and need some troubleshooting. Preferrably rather quick, since if the problem results in a hardware component, I'd like to refund it in time. Edit 2: ignore Edit 1 since it's in a fitting thread now
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