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About TheDeathEffect

  • Birthday 08/26/1993

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  1. Kept you waiting, huh? Finally getting around to updating it into a guide from what I remember.
  2. Desktop NVIDIA GTX 980 Coming To Gaming Notebooks Seems interesting
  3. Amazon.com: Bplus:PM3N; mini PCIe Card to converted port: Computers & Accessories ? Amazon.com: Bplus: PCIEMM-060A, Male to Male cable 60cm(Y19-H02-060): Computers & Accessories ? I hear that the cable is just a regular mini HDMI, so you might be able to save a few bucks
  4. I'm getting around 12V on all 12V lines of my Dell DA-2 when it is on. I'm not using the best voltmeter, but I doubt it would read that far off from 19V.
  5. We have some more information on Nvidia cards with dx12 now: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/3j1916/get_your_popcorn_ready_nv_gpus_do_not_support/ Not looking too good for Nvidia
  6. I believe that currently, Optimus (the technology that allows use of internal display with eGPU), only works when running at x1. If eGPU becomes more mainstream, I can see Nvidia enabling Optimus when running at greater than x1, but for now it's not happening.
  7. Benchmarks for the alpha release of Ashes of the Singularity, a DX12 game, have come out. First DirectX 12 game benchmarked *Update 2 More benchmarks - Tech News and Reviews - Linus Tech Tips Essentially, under DX12 : GTX 980 Ti = R9 290x So AMD card are giving about the same performance, but at a MUCH lower price point. How will this affect eGPU? Should I drop my 980 for a 290x? Does Nvidia have any hope? Other thoughts?
  8. You can try a DSDT override to resolve error 12 instead of playing around with other devices in device manager
  9. Lenovo is going to offer notebooks with TB3 later this year (along with a xeon processor) Lenovo Launches New P50 And P70 Mobile Workstations With First Mobile Xeon Chips
  10. You should be able to use an eGPU with a DSDT override
  11. There was another user here who reported using something like this http://www.amazon.com/WalterDrake-3-Plug-Outlet-Switch/dp/B00O8YNMVI/ref=pd_sim_23_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0CHV3B0X0Q6WJ83JK05A Except it was a single outlet, not triple.
  12. I think setup 1.3 software has the ability to activate disabled ports, not 100% sure, though.
  13. Another advantage of the PE4C is that it has delay switches on it so that it can be plugged into a system but not initiated at startup to avoid BIOS detection.
  14. I believe the product page mentions that including the Dell DA-2 PSU is not feasible because of shipping costs. You should be able to procure one from an online vendor, such as Genuine Dell Da 2 AC Power Supply Optiplex USFF 745 755 760 DA2 | eBay or http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B0035H7MV0/ref=sr_1_2_olp?ie=UTF8&qid=1438756849&sr=8-2&keywords=dell+da-2&condition=used If you have an ATX PSU laying around, that will also be suitable for powering your eGPU setup, assuming it has at least a 250W rating.
  15. A lot of people have reported success with a GTX 970 and Dell DA-2. if you swap to an ATX PSU and it gives you stable performance, then it's probably your culprit.
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