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About rossfrederick

  • Birthday 07/16/1984

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  1. ok I ran the KextWizard and also this terminal command [FONT=Menlo]sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1 nvda_drv=1"[/FONT] I was using that without the "nvda_drv=1" part Now I'm getting the proper response in terminal: [FONT=Menlo]boot-args[/FONT] [FONT=Menlo]kext-dev-mode=1 nvda_drv=1[/FONT] And everything is working again
  2. No I haven't Ill give it a try. Also when I run [FONT=Menlo]nvram boot-args[/FONT] in the terminal I get this output: [FONT=Menlo]boot-args <[/FONT][FONT=Menlo]UNPRINTABLE> nvda_drv=1[/FONT] Is that right?
  3. Here is a video of the Rolling GPU glitches I'm getting on boot and the extreme lag, making it completely unusable, same problem with and without the egpu connected: Detailed problem: Computer boots, however just before loading into Yosemite the mac loading bar resizes smaller and it displays everything on screen very tiny, there are rolling glitches, and it becomes extremely laggy, just to use the mouse or moving windows around, which make the computer completely unusable. This is happening wether the egpu is connected or not, and it will not load my other displays that are connected to the computer via thunderbolt, it will only use the builtin display. It also does not display the EGPU in system profiler, but it was working and no changes were made just a reboot. Its happened a few times with different fresh installs on OSX. I had it working fine (rendered in octane and was using 2 thunderbolt displays) for the first few boots but then this happens and it will not go away until I uninstall the Nvidia web driver, which then of course does not allow me to use the EGPU. Then if I try to reinstall the nvidia web driver and re modify the ktexts I go back to the same problem Is anyone else having this problem or know of a solution. Using the latest CUDA 6.5.46 driver and Nvidia Web Driver 343.02.02 on OS X 10.10.2 with a Geforce GTX 970 connectd through the Akitio via powered riser
  4. How often does you computer boot to a black screen, and require one or more reboots? I know this is a problem with a few setups, including mine. Just wanted to see how many people are having this issue, and how often its happening.
  5. How often does you computer boot to a black screen, and require x amount of reboots? I know this is a problem with a few setups, including mine. Just wanted to see how many people are having this issue, and how often its happening.
  6. How often does you computer boot to a black screen, and require x amount of reboots? I know this is a problem with a few setups, including mine. Just wanted to see how many people are having this issue, and how often its happening.
  7. Just updated to 10.10.2 and it has broken the nvidia web driver "Nvidia Web Driver: 343.01.02f01 (Not Compatible)" is what it says in the nvidia driver manager and it sets it back to the OSX default driver Graphics Driver. So until there is an update to the Nvidia web driver, don't upgrade. Anyone else have any luck
  8. Ya that was the problem, but I just may have had a bad 90 degree adapter not sure. Give it a try if it doesn't power the akitio remove the 90 degree adapter and try it
  9. Ya so far (1st day) its completely stable, It wasn't when I had the Newest CUDA drivers, but with the 6.5.25 Drivers no glitches. I had the 90 degree riser in there but the AKiTio wasn't getting power from the powered riser, Removed it and it worked great, powering the AkiTio off the EVGA PSU, Not doing any gaming just rendering and resolve.
  10. Got my Macbook pro working with 10.10.1 and the GeForce GTX 980 Gigabyte GPU. Used this guide from Jose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPOB9qmPjaE&index=16&list=WL The computer boots ~70% of the time just fine. Other times its just black, but when its running it works great. First install I did I used the newest CUDA 6.5.33 driver for MAC and that did NOT work, the GeForce 980 showed up in the system profiler but Davinci Resolve and Octane would not recognize it. Weirdly LuxMark did recognize it and did benchmark it, But I was also getting GPU glitches in the UI in safari and elsewhere. UPDATE: Just installed CUDA 6.5.37 and it works just as well as 6.5.25 I also had a 90degree pcie riser on the GPU but it didn't work so I just removed it, Less pieces the better anyway. Here's a blog Post I did with photos and Benchmarks
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