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Everything posted by DR650SE

  1. Hahaha, these just cracked me up. Brian, if you like that baby crib, you definately need to check out E-mails from an Asshole The guy messes with people who post craigslist adds. Funny stuff.
  2. Yea, I think he's going to attempt to change the string values for the 1%-5% so it's something like 1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%. I'm hoping it works out well. Maybe he can start and it can be an OC of 5%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 10% since no one really uses 1%-5%. I'm guessing most people just set it to 5%?
  3. I'm definately going to have to try this, and maybe tommorrow. I bought another heatsink a while back, since the one I was using wouldn't sit quite right due to bending and messing with it, but I think I may take that one out and install it, just to see what I can do with this mod. If you've ever seen Mazdas posts and benchmarks at NBR, he always says no additional cooling, which is possible if his heatsink is on real tight. I'm just not sure how he got so lucky. But I'm going to have to remove the c-clips and see. I need more pressure! May test it with my much less capable 920XM.
  4. IMHO Things I don't like on the R3 include 16:9 vs the R2's 16:10, and the touchstrip buttons are actual buttons, and don't look that great either. But lack of RGB, 16:10 and dual GPU support is enough to make me pass on it without a thought. I know one day Ill have to embrace 16:9, but that day will come in a few years, not any time soon.
  5. I'll also talk to him about this. He asked me to look into this when I mentioned it, but I havn't had much time. I'll go back through some links and info on it, and I'll pass it on to him tonight so that he can look into it. I know he really wants to get this done as well, and hopefully functioning fan control and disabled c-states will be in V2. Thanks, great site! Added to Favorite Bar. Keep up the good work. As far as fan control, I havn't gotten a new test BIOS but I'll talk to TheWiz about it. Maybe I can get him in contact with Mumak and they can put thier heads together.
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