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Everything posted by DR650SE

  1. Thanks guys. Definately eager to get it and get some painting done. Yea it looks like 680M SLI is making some progress, so if I could get my hands on a pair at a decent price, that would be great. Not only for gaming, but I bet those cards are Folding monsters.
  2. Well... I did it. I shipped my R2 off today. I've traded my R2 for the X7200. The X7200 comes with the 980x, 485 SLI, Intel N6300, Win Ult, Samsung 256GB SSD, 1920x1080 B+RG LED 90% screen. I will be custom painting the lid. Either Candy white like my R2, or a metallic Gunmetal gray. I will also be throwing in 24GB RAM, and a Killer 1103. I will also be using 4 HDDs. Probably my two 160GB Intel drives in Raid 0, a 256GB gaming SSD and a 1TB storage drive. I haven't totally decided. Maybe 160GB OS drive, 160GB gaming drive, and 2x1TB drives Definitely ready to put a heavy load on the system. It'll be an excellent F@h system too with the Nvidia GPUs and hex core. System should be here Friday. I'll miss my beloved RGB, but at least the X7200 has the upgraded LG panel at 90% gamut. I'll be missing 1200P too. I also kept my SSDs and in the process gained a new SSD . May be sticking it in the wife's Inspiron. Good bye old friend... Candy White Alienware M17X R2 | i7 940XM | AMD Crossfire 6990M | BIOS A10 MOD | 320GB Intel X-25M RAID 0 | 1TB Internal HDD Drive | 16GB 1333MHz | 1900x1200 RGB LED | Killer 1103 | USB 3.0 | Win 7 Ult | Linux Mint | NuForce uDAC-2 Audio | Blu-ray Burner (Converted to External) | Vantage: 25399 | 3DMark06: 23720 | 3DMark11: 7939 Sent from my Samsung Captivate/ICS CM9 via Tapatalk.
  3. I heard this from the lead Alienware graphics engineer while one a conference call. Sent from my Samsung Captivate/ICS CM9 via Tapatalk.
  4. Here's mine. Pretty plain. not much time to mess with it. Been meaning to get in on the rain meter action. My M17x R2 Keyboard LEDs are colored to match. Left and right side of the keyboard is Red along with the speakers. Middle left keyboard area is blue, and middle right keyboard area is green. The colors on the keyboard blend and match the photo so it looks like the photo extends beyond the computer screen. Looks quite cool.
  5. Very true, although I doubt my wife would let me fund a custom cooling project. However a screen may be something I could swing for. Though probably not 3D. Too gimmicky for me.
  6. I need to do more benching, I just wish I had some time. I miss being single sometimes!
  7. Hey guys, I'm Dan, been on NBR since I had an old Inspiron 1720, and used NBR to ask a few questions. When the M17x R1 came out I was in awe of it's glorious physique and power . So I became real active in benching, and all that jazz. At the time I was in Iraq and had lots of free time, now days not as much as I'd like. Anyway as time goes on I start to find myself enjoying NBR less and less. The amount of talent that is getting banned is ridiculous and the posts being censored is crazy. I created the Ordering Advice thread at NBR, and it was soon being modded by mods, and edited, which I didn't mind so much, but I'd rather have kept it the way it was, although I understand putting in some things to have others abide by the rules. I just wish users could respect rules, and that there was no need for them, rather then just doing a bunch of whining. Wishful thinking. I've slowed on answering PMs, almost don't now if it is concerning the ordering advice thread. The PM's I do get are normally about scamming, or PM them my hookups ect. I quit responding to anything like that. If it has anything to do with ordering it's probably getting deleted. However, there are some things I do like, but freedom beats that stuff. So I made my way over to T|I because this is where all the cool guys from NBR came. NBR had so much talent once upon a time. I haven't been to active lately at NBR like I was, or T|I because of my son. He keeps me busy. Anyway next year I'm headed back overseas, and hoping my job allows access to T|I. Then I'll be more active and try and throw some useful posts on here. In the mean time, I'm headed over to the Hot Chicks thread to check out some @zz
  8. You guys bring up some good points and I will work out a personal warranty with the guy since he's getting my warranty. Also if I trade, when I get the laptop, it will be undergoing a series of stress tests and will be subject to a full disassembly, repaste, and cleaning. Also the 90% LG screen sounds liek a great idea, and something I'll be researching.
  9. Yea, I'll need to check gpus. I think at the moment the 485M would suite any gaming needs I have. They are on par with 6990s which were fine for me. As far as what I'll be doing, mostly video encoding, converting/ripping. My son was just born so I got a new HD video camera and that's been my latest toy. Also probably run the system with folding@home in the background. But with my son being born a month ago, I don't really get much time to game lately. Haven't played BF3 in 6+months :-( I think part of it is that I am/was pretty maxed out on the R2 and as a result have grown a bit bored. Probably just looking for something new to customize. I also know the x7200 could have 6990 crossfire, as that was the cards I had in my R2, an X7200 crossfire kit. But in my case with folding and cuda I think nvidia is a better option. To bad it doesn't have 580M SLI in it. Sent from my Samsung Captivate/ICS using Tapatalk 2
  10. Good question. M17x has 264 days remaining of complete care, and the X7200 has no warranty. I'm not planning to get a new system until after my next deployment in April so early 2014 is when I'll be in the market for something new. I may upgrade GPUs on the X7200 however, after researching. I figure the warranty on the M17x should still be good, even if I changed the Chasis. Part of the reason I'm including a stock chasis with it. The system is rock solid so it shouldn need warranty service, and I wasn't planning to extend it either. Also will be throwing in the i5 520M, and stock memory it came with. Figure I can use that as a bargaining chip to get his Samsung SSD and keep mine lol.
  11. I found someone who is willing to trade their X7200 for my M17x R2. I sold my 6990s so the trade would be for my R2 with 940xm and 5870 crossfire. I will also throw in my custom white painted chasis as well as the spare silver chasis. Maybe if the guy doesn't want the white painted chasis I'll keep it. Not sure yet. The X7200 comes with 485m SLI and an i7 980X CPU. I Iove the idea of a hex core and the ability to have 4 HDDs. I'm thinking if we trade, I'm going to keep my SSDs and 1TB drive. Then I'll set the X7200 up with an OS SSD, gaming SSD and 2x1TB HDDs for storage. I may use the second 1TB drive as a backup of my 1TB storage drive. Either way I would remove the optical drive in exchange for another HDD. The things on the M17x that I hate to give up are RGB and 19x12, as well as the design and back lit keyboard. I'm not sure if that is enough to keep me from getting the other things I'd like, such as the extra HDD, hex core CPU, triple channel memory. Also the X7200 has native USB 3.0, and I wouldn't have to use an express card slot. Which the X7200 doesn't have anyway. Anyone have any idea what the X7200 screen is like? My guess is just average. Another thing is I never use the M17x R2 on battery or even on my lap. I like to have the ability to move it, but never use it if I can't plug it in. So the battery life of either system isn't real important to me. So what are your opinions? Am I being an idiot? Sent from my Samsung Captivate/ICS using Tapatalk 2
  12. Just make your R2 like mine You'll be all set. Sent from my Samsung Captivate/ICS using Tapatalk.
  13. Kicking up an old thread, but I would take the X7200 if given the choice, simply for the desktop CPU and 3 HDDs, with the ability to add a fourth HDD with an optical drive conversion. Always wanted an X7200 too.
  14. I'm not sure if it's the avatar that gets you banned, but I think it's more the nature of the posts. Generally they follow a set pattern. Let me know if I'm missing any here. These are the ones I know of so far. patrick.parisi, scarletfire92, usmc362, foxfire_68, cts_v59, ravenite72, comfycakes, Thumper_12, suffolkcounty. I wonder what those words with Batboy were too Welcome to T|I !!
  15. Staff Sargent, Nice pics. I'm an SSG in the Reserve component. I spent three years in Iraq. Jan2004-Jan2005, 2007-2008, and 2009-2010. Spent the first two tours as with an MP BN, and the last one doing MI as a contractor. AFG is set for 2013. I work in the MI field, but spent my first tour as a convoy security gunner. Had a great time in the desert. Is it odd that being in that environment is strangely addicting??
  16. Nice, Yea the bios has no entry for 16GB because at the time the R2 was designed there was no 8GB RAM sticks available.
  17. Check the link in my sig - the 1TB Internal. Everything is right there OK and I have a similiar setup. I split my RAID 0. Now one is an Win7/Linux/Apps drive, and the other is a gaming SSD. The Gaming SSD is like 90% full but since I don't write to that drive I don't worry about over filling it.
  18. Thanks, I'm thinking of running a few virtual systems. Just to tinker with things. Probably cause me to have to reimage my system a few times. I'll never close another program! I'm pretty sure I'll make use of it, but it's always nice to have more than you need. If it's there, it's bound to get used up. @mw86 , Adding that extra drive was one of the best decisions I've made. I love having everything I need right there at my fingertips with out having to use externals. Though I still back up everything constantly. I just realized, havn't posted here in a while. So the "Like" system was done away with huh? EDIT: Just realized "Like" was replaced with Thanks makes better sense that way. I like that better.
  19. Yup These systems definately have some longevity to them
  20. Just got my kit in lastnight. Should have it in tonight. Some testing has been done over at NBR, but just wanted to pass the word along. I asked Reborn to try it and it worked but Dellalienware tried it before I got a chance to post on it Here is a quick screen shot Laptop Forums and Notebook Computer Discussion I picked this up for $149 since it had a promo code with it for a limited time. Likes like the promotion is over. It was for $25 off. But since then it's already dropped in price by $5 All in all my system is a LOOONG way from stock, but I couldn't be more pleased with it. I replaced all HDDs, RAM, CPU, Added a 1TB inplace of the blu-ray burner, which is now an external blu-ray burner, swaped to a silver chasis and upgraded GPUs. Long live the R2!! I'll post some screen shots here when I get a chance. Just passing the heads up.
  21. Thanks @svl7 I had a feeling there wasn't a dual card option for the M8900. I have a guy over at NBR who will add my device ID to the driver package, but first I may try to uninstall as you did. Don't remember if I did that or not. At least not a clean install, but I will give it a shot. But yea, with the vbios flashed and the 11.10 drivers it still shows up as a 6990M, and thats with the vbios on the OP. I'll tinker with it more when I get some more time.
  22. @svl7 Flashed the cards, but so far nothing in CCC for Crossfire. It looks like CCC detected the M8900 vbios as the options in CC were for a Firepro. As far as drivers, I can't seem to get the M8900 drivers to install from the M8900 package. But I can install 11.10 drivers. How do you get GPU-Z to read it as an M8900? Editing the driver package with Orca? Also is there any way to add the crossfire option to CCC? I'm assuming that will be a tough one. I dont really need crossfire, but it would be nice to do a little gaming in crossfire, even if the performance is deminished a bit. I mostly want the firepros for Folding@Home. Even without folding at home, the F@H program will run both cards for folding, so Crossfire isn't neccessary, but would be nice so I don't have to flash the vbios to get crossfire in games. Although that is simple enough, I'm lazy
  23. Nice! appreciate it. I'm going ot try. I'll first have to create some image backups. Just in case. But I just realized, F@H will work both cards if crossfire is enabled or not. So I guess theoretically as long as the F@H program can find it in the slot it will work. Though I can't be totally sure. This will be fun
  24. @svl7 Awesome!! Currently I'm running Folding@Home and am hoping the benefits will be seen in that program. I think it may. F@H is all floating point calculation. Think the cards will run in crossfire? What I need to do is get some reading done! Like now! Mostly I'm curious as to whether or not it will make the GPU more efficient at folding Flashing back is always easy enough for gaming. I'll give it a shot tonight or sometime in the next week, whenever I can make some time. If I brick the cards, can I send them to you and pay you to have them reprogrammed? Also, should the OpenCL box be checked? Or is that a CCC option?
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