Hello guys!
First post in this forum! \o/
I've been kind of following the eGPU stuff for quite some time, and now that I'm thinking about replacing my laptop I am looking for the eGPU alternative which suits my needs best...
I was thinking of buying an i7 3610/30 equipped laptop (trying to avoid CPU bottlenecks) with an avg "integrated" discrete GPU card, like 7670 Mobility or the likes (so that eGPU wouldn't be the only absolute option).
For the eGPU I'll use a 5850 at the beginning, but I should upgrade it to something better (not high-end anyway) relatively soon
Since I have low budget (i.e. the laptop won't have a spare mPCIe easily accessible), I will probably use a USB3.0 to ExpressCard adapter, what do you think about this? is there any known backdraw of using such an adapter?
I know I could also remove the wlan module and use that slot, but it comes with some backdraws as you all know, and still, it has to be easily accessible...adapter is better, if it doesn't cause any issue
About the eGPU, I was thinking about buying an EXP GDC v6.0 as it seems to be much cheaper than the PE4* alternatives...
What do you think about my setup and the EXP GDC v6.0? why is it cheaper? is there any big drawback?
Thank you