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About mitunakaptor

  • Birthday 09/29/1990

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  1. If you have a y510p for parts or just a spare fan laying around that will work please do not hesitate to contact me my username @gmail.com any help would be much apprecaited i dont want to buy the whole heatsync assembly.
  2. Someone already did create a loop however the loop was at best 5% successful and caused the fan to ramp up to full speed go for 10 seconds then drop to 0 RPM which bothered me immensely. Its far better to have the fan always run at full speed than it is to hear it constantly ramp up and down and have the brief period of no air movement.
  3. I truly hope lenovo sees this and notes the CONSIDERABLE performance increases and take into consideration the lifespan of the laptops going up drastically. And as a result give us access to the fan speeds via software. Many people who have purchased the Lenovo Y510P have noted its absolute lack of fan control abilities the below is half guide/half performance report. This is to show what the Y510P is capable of if it were to have unlocked fan controls which are currently impossible to access. The below is a fairly simple hardware mod that involves removing one wire from the PWM controller on the motherboard. ((difficulty 4/10)) !NO SOLDERING!----------- Beginning The Fan Mod ----------------- The Fan will ALWAYS run at 100% it cannot be changed unless you reattach the wire. While cooler temperatures are always good this does sacrifice battery life. This is all likelyhood voids your warranty use at your own risk. The fan will be significantly louder than normal and will likely be very noticeable. You will need. 1x Phillips Head screwdriver (that fits the Y510P screws) 1x VERY SMALL flathead screwdriver A dish to keep the screws The assumption that you have some technical skills. Remove the battery and charger Carefully remove the bottom cover of the laptop Remove the sticker to the right of the fan to access the area with the controller Using the small flathead screwdriver lift up on small block at the end of the cable carefully use the small screw driver to lift one of the clips that holds the BROWN wire carefully and gently remove the brown wire from its casing (any more than a nudge is too much) securely plug the block back where it came from following the natural curves of the cable. Place the brown wire in a place where it will not create a circuit (behind the other larger connector) * for added security you can tape the end of the cable to assure no accidental connections. Without closing the bottom power on the laptop and give it 10 seconds if the fans do not turn on shut the laptop down assure all of your connections are correct and reseat the plug to assure contact. Final Result: [URL]http://i.imgur.com/pWwS6FS.jpg[/URL] After the cable is removed: [URL]http://i.imgur.com/4w8F3L6.jpg[/URL] Showing the plug to remove: [URL]http://i.imgur.com/pWwS6FS.jpg[/URL] -----------------------------------------------------------Benchmarks![URL]https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sD4GP-DL59kPd5FaJZgMBZjsm9JzDqJ_UbBP-FI7lwQ/edit#gid=0[/URL] Y510P Temps & Preformance. No Fan Mod Fan Mod OC Fan Mod OC No Fan Mod Important Notes Below. Temps Taken in °F Idle Temperature - CPU 95 °F 91 °F 91 °F 95 °F CPU was NOT Overclocked. All tests lasted 10:00 (unless otherwise stated) Prime 95. All tests are conducted at 1366*768 Small FFT's 198°F 165°F 165°F 198°F V-Sync is off unless otherwise stated. Large FFT's 198°F 165°F 165°F 198°F * indicates that exact values could/was not recorded Blend 198°F 165°F 165°F 198°F Unigine Heaven Benchmark lasts the default time period. Unigine Heaven Benchmark. DX11 - Ultra Quality 192°F 167°F 178°F ****************************** Tessellation: Extreme 17.5 FPS 18.2 FPS 21.2 FPS *** Thermal Shutdown *** Overclocking Settings. Anti-Aliasing: 8x Score: 420* Score: 459 Score: 512* ****************************** Core Clock (MHz) +135 Memory Clock (MHz) +500 DX11 - Medium Quality 190°F 167°F 178°F Tessellation: Medium 30.1 FPS 35.5 FPS 40.2 FPS ** Tests ended for safety** Anti-Aliasing: 4x Score: 795* Score: 895 Score: 1013 Specs. Intel Core i7 - 4700 MQ - 2.4Ghz /w 3.4Ghz Turbo Battlefield 3 - Ultra Preset 193°F 168°F 180°F ** Tests ended for safety** 8 GB - 1600mhz Memory 64 Player - Operation Firestorm 31 FPS 48 FPS* 66 FPS 1tb - 5400rpm hdd 1366x768 Screen. Crysis 3 - Scene 1 Mission 1 193°F 168°F 185°F ** Tests ended for safety** Nvidia 755m - Drivers July 2014 Maximum Settings 14 FPS 24 FPS 29 FPS 130w Charger (battery removed) *Note: The massive performance difference on bf3 is worth noting and may contain a data flaw, please accept the finding with a grain of salt.
  4. Thank you to anyone that submits their computer to these tests. also I'm terribly sorry for asking so many questions i just want to cover all of the bases. the details on this laptop online are scarce and i hope this answers a lot of peoples questions. The fan control question is of particular importance to me In general more pictures and screenshots would also be helpful try focusing on... well, everything ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to know what the bios menu looks like in the Y50 what settings are available and what menus are given by Lenovo by default. I would like to know if the fans are able to be controlled with SpeedFan this was one of my major dislikes about my current Y510P and its preference to chose minimum cooling policy making even simple games run at 98c consistently. I would like to know if the SSD included runs via a M2 slot of a MSATA slot and the R/W of of the drive, please specify the size and any other info (including os) I would like to know how far back the screen can bend preferably in the form of an angle measurement from what I've seen online it appears to stop at aprox. 150° additional photos of the hinges would be VERY helpful also pictures in general would be much appreciated. I would like to know how the system deals with heat (again a major concern from the y510p) general information would be helpful along with Furr Mark, Unigine Valley and other benchmarks that focus on CPU or GPU performance anything that preforms a high power stress test. Please specify which usb port provides the always on function. Also a high resolution well focused picture of the keyboard would be much appreciated i would like to know if the keys are flat or if they are arched like the Y510p's keyboard, and could you describe the ease of use of the trackpad. What is the wattage of the power supply provided? 170w or 130w also what kind of connector does it use? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you once again Y50 owners for answering the questions above there may be more below and answer those if you would like and know we all appreciate it.
  5. My Lenovo Y510P reaches at max 92c When it reaches 102 at that point it begins to throttle, at 105 the system shuts down. Please be aware that when i say it gets to 102 that is purely because i was overclocking and had a insane amount of ventilation
  6. with my new ssd purchase i was hoping to get an original iso, this was exactly what i was looking for... but yea... no seeders! it would be much appreciated also has anyone noticed that on the stock os from lenovo the fans run much much harder than when i had formatted i can only max out the fans with the "fan clean" feature in the power management driver
  7. Things that i notice as a frequent cause of trouble accidentally running via integrated graphics the battery is not capable of outputting enough power to supply the GPU+CPU simple driver issues power saving mode
  8. Very interesting, tear apart more fun stuff also did you change the thermal paste or just tear apart for fun?
  9. Misu, long time nerd, work tech support have a y510p and run a Comcast node in Milwaukee wi
  10. burn a windows 7 disk, from ether your computer or another computer BURNING A WINDOWS ISO IS --> NOT <-- ILLEGAL, if you have the licence (which is in your UEFI) just stick it in the installation will go smoothly dont forget the drivers
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