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Dewos last won the day on September 7 2014

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About Dewos

  • Birthday 01/02/1985

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  1. Hello! I have an interesting news. Starting from 368.22 Nvidia Driver (Note: but I'm not sure if it is the first driver doing so), my GTX 660 is automaticly detected on EC plug-in without the HDMI cable (win10). - iGpu is still enabled - External LCD link by EC - eGpu is in Optimus mode - All work is redirected to eGpu (if you say so in the panel) - eGpu KEEPS 2.0 (before I was not able to keep this, and forced the 1.1x)
  2. Noope, my system is the e6430 @1.1opt right now. Anway, if you don't need absurb resolutions and filters than the performance are pretty good. CPU overclock +400 is nice and games actually use less bandwith that we think mostly of the time. 2570p is a very very nice machine too, but CPU limited with top i7 'cause the TDP limitation and no overclock capabilities. Oh well, and you could be LUCKY and have both
  3. Not to bring you bad luck, but I was not able to make the PCI-E 2.0 work on my E6430 + PE4L V2b. The same configuration works on the HP 2570p, so.... is the EC link on the dells that is lacking, it seems.
  4. Something like this one? Worth a try. Setting: DIMM profile, Variable: 0x1EEOption: Default DIMM profile, Value: 0x0Option: Custom profile, Value: 0x1Option: XMP profile 1, Value: 0x2Option: XMP profile 2, Value: 0x3End of Options Setting: Memory Frequency, Variable: 0x1E6 Option: Auto, Value: 0x0 Option: 1067, Value: 0x1 Option: 1333, Value: 0x2 Option: 1600, Value: 0x3 Option: 1867, Value: 0x4 Option: 2133, Value: 0x5 Option: 2400, Value: 0x6 Option: 2667, Value: 0x7 End of Options Setting: Memory Frequency, Variable: 0x1E7 Option: 1067, Value: 0x42B Option: 1333, Value: 0x535 Option: 1600, Value: 0x640 Option: 1867, Value: 0x74B Option: 2133, Value: 0x855 Option: 2400, Value: 0x960 Option: 2667, Value: 0xA75 End of Options
  5. @timohour can I change my 2x8GB 1600 RAM to 1800+ with just the UEFI variable? (without a XMP flashed profile, I mean).
  6. I cannot separate the single pieces of copper from each other, but the "block" is stacked with a single drop of adesive to the laptop, hence mechanically could be separated with a little force.
  7. The copper shims? I have already removed them (after test I can say they are useless now). The fan in idly almost never starts now (nice!). For the weight yeah, this thig is bulky as hell (not only for the new copper)
  8. Nice, but it's not worth (for me at least). I'm just waiting one year at most for the Thunderbolt3 eGPU to stabilize, before make the jump to a dell xps 15 or something.
  9. Cooling Mod So, some info about a little project of mine. Very similar to timohour's, but with copper. It should be noted that the "tetris" position is the best one, with the space available. Temps are < 7/10° lower (but, after more seconds, it maxes to >99° anyway).
  10. Yes, I also can be able to overclock only with an unapproved psu adapter (not the Dell one).
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