Hi all, I am new here, so I am sorry if I have posted this in the wrong section. Also, I realise this question has been asked before, but all of the other threads are really old. So, my issue. I flashed the unlocked A08 bios with sata fix and everything worked brilliantly. Then, in my infinite wisdom I turned on UEFI mode in BIOS to see what would happen. What happened is it rebooted with 8 beeps (no screen) everytime I turned on. I looked at the other forums and did the whole usb recovery thing, however, I believed it was taking to long so I turned the computer off after the computer rebooted and beeped 7 times (cpu error). I tried taking out the CMOS to no avail. Now when I try the recovery USB the usb never seems to be loaded (light never comes on). Any ideas? Thanks for all the help, and sorry for any mistakes I have no doubt made.