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About nickthaskater

  • Birthday 02/04/1986

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Settling In

Settling In (2/7)



  1. So I changed to integrated video aperture from 256 to 512 and now system won't boot properly. It powers up, black screen, and then repeatedly restarts every 10 seconds or so until I do a hard shut down. Any thoughts? I tried hitting F2 after powering up to hopefully get into the BIOS, but it still restarts even then so I'm assuming it's not even getting into the BIOS screen (again, screen is black). Everything was working just fine prior to this change. Thanks for any help..!!!
  2. Reporting in post-flash... Great success! Thank you so much svl7! My new wireless card is installed and works like a charm.
  3. This must be painful for you, svl7, but please know your help is appreciated immensely. I right-click and run as admin on the "backup.bat" file, a command window pops up briefly and then disappears. I'm assuming the BIOS backup is supposed to be overwriting the backup.bat file? I try to drag and drop the backup.bat to the fixer and get told "invalid input file. Make sure it's a proper dump of BIOS version v1.07". I open the flash tool and it says "Press any key to continue", and it goes through three successive screens of text before flashing this error: "Error 200: Invalid parameter value specified by user. Use -? option to see help", and then the program quits. I'm sorry for being so illiterate on this, but I'm ripping my hair out as much as anyone being so close to being able to "fix" my computer, and yet being so far away..!
  4. As far as I knew, the only difference between the 410P and 510P was the screen size. My BIOS is 74CN26WW (V1.07) As for the tool, I tried running via command prompt but I get an error stating that it's not compatible due to my system running 64-bit Windows 8. I tried running it through DOSBox but couldn't get it sorted.
  5. I downloaded the tool and tried to run it, but receive this error each time: Any suggestions? Nevertheless, here are the GPU-Z screenshots from my Y410P:
  6. I love my 410P, aside from the wireless card which is utter garbage. The gaming performance, screen and build quality are outstanding though. Once I get my BIOS unlocked and my wireless card upgraded, I'll have zero complaints.
  7. I've got a Centrino 2230 in my Y410P and it has caused me nothing but headaches from the start. I've got a fresh Centrino 6235 to replace it, but like others, am waiting on getting a BIOS which is opened up to allow hardware modifications. Once I have it, I'll gladly post back here to share how my connectivity has changed, if at all.
  8. Would a modded Y510P BIOS work on a Y410P? If not, I'm happy to provide a dump of my 410P once the tool is corrected.
  9. I would love to test it out, but with no way to recover my system if it bricks, I simply can't afford to be the guinea pig... Unless, do you know of some way I would be able to restore my system if it bricks?
  10. Well it's official, Lenovo couldn't care less about this issue. I spent over an hour on "support" with them and got absolutely nowhere. It's not exactly confidence inspiring when I know more than the tech support guy, either. I asked if there were some "advanced" support department which could perhaps help with BIOS issues and the like, but no, he said there was nothing. So, it seems this is completely up to the user community to solve, unfortunately. Sh3rl0q and svl7, I pray that you're still able to help open the Y410P's BIOS!
  11. I've got a Y410P and am desperately wanting to swap my Centrino 2230 wireless for a 6235 to hopefully solve the ridiculous connectivity issues. I recently found out about this whole "whitelist" thing and am hugely appreciative of the efforts in unlocking the BIOS to allow such a swap. I doubt I can be of any assistance with basically no programming experience, but I'm more than willing to help however I may if needed. Once again, thank you and good luck to those hard at work at getting to the bottom of this!
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