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About Infernal_Cowboy

  • Birthday 01/19/1988

Infernal_Cowboy's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. High-positioned cooling stand is a must-have for SLI configuration that blows the hot air right at the mouse hand...
  2. Dammit... My Y500 is refusing to detect the before-detected external ODD and there is no thorough drive menu in the default BIOS... Will this modding be a help there?
  3. The fan with increased airflow will do the trick. Larger diameter but the same height. Suggestions of certain type, anybody?
  4. I already put my one back together and don't want to disassemble it, so will refer to pics above. Did anyone notice that one of memory chips (2nd pic from below, top-right one) shoves from underneath the heatsink and silicone pad almost halfway? I added the small piece of silicone to make the thermal contact between the before-naked half of the IC and metal case, where it bends just near the heatsink (and prevents the installation of one with needed dimensions).
  5. The Dust Removal is useless as dust removal - I noticed that airflow is coming in the straight direction. Permanent RPM increase "Fan boost" would have been in handy there... Don't understand why the default BIOS is missing the very basic fan option "Quiet/Performance".
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