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  1. The vbios was modded, it cannot bypass the check of nvflash and will fail the flashing. Currently nvflash only supports vbios that is officially signed. I used a programmer to program the vbios into the chipset. The one that I used is starting with "Clevo_8", which is for P870DMx series. The one started with "Clevo_7" is for P7xx series.
    1 point
  2. I modded it according to the thread, but it resulted in black screen on boot. There is something wrong that I don't know. Right now the vbios that I am using was from a chinese forum (google "vBIOS硬刷 Pascal GTX1060/70/80"); it unlocked the TDP adjustable to max 200W TDP, voltage is still locked without control.
    1 point
  3. So in Dreamonic's thread, he used 150W for example to mod the TDP. 150W is 150,000 mW, in hexadecimal is 00 02 49 F0. In the vbios, you read it from the right to the left, so it's modded as F0 49 02 00 (as he highlighted as red). 200W is 200,000 mW, in hexadecimal is 00 03 0D 40. So in the vbios, it will be 40 0D 03 00.
    1 point
  4. Separating the original pipes from the heat panel might damage the pipes or the heatsink, because they were soldered together firmly. The only way that I know it's to heat them up hot (~500 Fahrenheit or higher) enough to take of the pipes. I am not sure about this, you might need to do some research. Yes, I sanded the surface of the pipes around the core area to expose the copper partially, that way it can transfer heat better without having a layer of paint between them. Depends on the thermal performance that you are looking for, you can determine how much you want to sand out.
    1 point
  5. I already did that using this same case! My GPU was bulging out a bit so I cut the side, applied rubber borders & added a nice acrylic and it looked even more cool that it was before
    1 point

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