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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/16 in all areas

  1. Review with XPS 15: http://www.ultrabookreview.com/10761-razer-core-review/
    2 points
  2. Haven't been able to test the newest drivers yet (will do when I get a minute) but the bios toggle still is working flawless, I have tried 3ish drivers so far and after the peg-->igfx-->peg toggle they all work great.
    1 point
  3. The drivers seem good to me: http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/12258594? Does not seem to have any hiccups in Project Cars. I don't play a lot in general though. 3D Mark was updated automatically, not sure if it still scores the same.
    1 point
  4. Do you see what your problem is? You need more power. Either use a 12V brick with more amperage or simply find an ATX PSU. You should be able to find one used for $15 on the local classifieds.
    1 point
  5. @Mr. Fox This is really impressive, it's almost reach the GTX 980 SLI score with one single card, this is your magic of course.
    1 point
  6. GTX 1080 368.25 (r368_20-5). Best driver since v350.12 (Modded)...delete the following folders as shown below (don't skip this step) >>flash @Prema's v2 980M & 970M (Please consider donating to Prema) >>> Keep these folders only <<< PEG MOD v368.25 900M (instructions above). GeForce 368.25 Win7/8.1 GeForce 368.25 Win10 Alienware nv_dispi.inf_v368.25_Win7_8.1_PEG_Dedicated.zip nv_dispi.inf_v368.25_Win10_PEG_Dedicated.zip Clevo Laptops nv_dispi.inf_v368.25_Win7_8.1_PEG_Dedicated_Clevo_Laptops.zip nv_dispi.inf_v368.25_Win10_PEG_Dedicated_Clevo_Laptops.zip Feedback appreciated! @mariussx, , @Infini, @N!IGHTHAWK!, @tony7755333, @Nikos4Life, @Solo wing, @82280zx, @thegh0sts
    1 point

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