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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/11 in all areas

  1. So i decided to get me a Dell one @ ebay. I can confirm: Hdmi/dp audio works Throttlestop detects temp sensor (which it didn't do on my dell 5870, for some reason) Runs at about 52-55 C idle, haven't tested any games yet Fans run fine for me aswell Had to install the M17xR3 drivers before i could install AMD drivers svl7 how did you try to get audio through hdmi/dp working? Coz both my 5870 and 6970, it didn't work out of the box.
    1 point
  2. oh yeah, browsing the forum with the iPad is very nice. Plus there's an app for IOS called forum runner that our forum supports, so for all the iphone/ipod/ipad users - use it, it's awesome.
    1 point
  3. I did a slightly different (and safer, but less effective) cpu clip mod. I got some washers that fit in the screw gaps, and took off the c-clips. It adds an extra 3-4 mm of pressure distance to the cpu. Dropped my temps maybe 5 degrees C or so. -Ash
    1 point

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