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M17x R2 LCD EDID corrupted?

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My friend has an M17x R2 with my old GTX 680M in but has managed to fry 3 screens including the RGB LED one by installing recent nvidia drivers! He's sure the EDID has been corrupted. He said he saw there was a way to fix this using linux? Please could someone link me to any info they might have on this. @Mr. Fox

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Here is my first post where I used Linux to flash the LCD. Ignore the part about clipping the wire. That does not fix anything as we thought it might. This post has information and photos you may find useful as you prepare to do this. (I recommend using instructions provided by t456 in the second link below.)




Look here for the detailed instructions and links to downloadable USB Image tool and the special Linux version with the tools and EDID files for flashing already included in the package:




The instructions look daunting, but if you break them down, read as you go and carefully follow along step-by-step it is not difficult even a tiny bit. It will take longer to create the bootable Linux USB stick using the image tool than it does to fix the bricked display.


After flashing, either boot Windows into Safe Mode and rename the EVGA Precision X folder or clean install Windows so EVGA Precision X does not accidentally undo your fix.

Here is another thread related thread with useful information including an alternative set of instructions explained by @Prema




This version of EVGA Precision X is an old one, but I am using it and find it is safe to use with any version of Windows. It works with all recent NVIDIA cards, including 980M. This is in my Google Drive. It is not easy to find it anywhere on the internet.



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If he can get a dump from a non-corrupted EDID it can be flashed in Linux or using a USB flash programming tool with an LVDS connector. The dump can be saved as a .BIN file using Entec Monitor Asset Manager on a working machine, or exported as .BIN from the registry of a corrupted machine.

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