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420 Reviews and Pics :)


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haha there is something about a nice piece of glass that makes me wanna have it no matter what. i just actually ordered a new bubbler, its gonna be real sexy!!!

make sure to post some pictures so i can envy you some more!

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haha thanks guys, that my one and only bong and i just broke the mouth piece :( using some tubing for now. not a total lost since i can just get another mouth piece. that one of the reason i bought this piece, all the easy to break parts are replacable. hopefully the new one will arrive soon. but would like to share my newest toy. the Omicron, i got this last thursday and i think i've been super hit since then,lolz. this is prolly the best portable smoking tool out there. it doesn't use the flower form of weed, it uses BHO, aka honey oil/wax.




Edited by iloveb00bs
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Never tried that form but looks amazing. Sorry you broke that piece. That setup is nicely portable...

bho/wax/oil is the shit!!!! we are talking around 70% THC and up.

man that little thing f'd up me and 4 of my friend last night, they were totally amazed by it. i have this thing for days now and it still hitting hard i haven't refilled it or nothing yet. honestly i'm not sure if i will ever go back to smoking regular weed. ok i take that back, i still gotta smoke my weed, there is something about the smell of some real kronik shit. hehehe

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  • 2 weeks later...

my buddy just hooked me up with some of the purplist stuff i've seen in awhile, smells great too. enjoy the eye candy, heheh




here is my stash box that i carry with me. i'm gonna save some of this stuff to smoke later. i like curing my stuff for a few extra months to get better taste and smell and it always smokes way better.

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here is some pics of some club stuff i picked up along with an edible brownie.

here is a jack-a-roo brownie. holy ass fucks this shit got me so fucking high, i woke up high the next friggin morning. so not recommended for light weight or if your planning any kind of activity.


here is sonoma coma: doesn't look that great but fucking smells awesome, especially when vaping this smells and taste so good.



next is blackberry rhino: holy shit this looks so good i dont even wanna smoke it yet, hahahah i get high just looking at this shit.

of course i vaped up this bad boy and wowie!!! friggin smelled so nice my whole room smelled like purp.




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Some scanning of memory indicates it may be some kind of general hand on a farm, but I think it's spelt jackaroo here. I'm sure they'd love the brownies though.

[MENTION=5]Brian K.[/MENTION] That Outback steakhouse thing you asked me about is in AUS, but only in one state (not mine). Outback Steakhouse -- Australia

Edited by Jimbo
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