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GeForce 364.72 WHQL


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Game Ready
  • Learn more about how to get the optimal experience for Quantum Break, Killer Instinct, Dark Souls III, and Paragon early-access.


Virtual Reality
  • Virtual reality is here! This Game Ready driver brings full support for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, optimizations and enhancements for virtual reality games such as EVE: Valkyrie, Chronos, and Elite Dangerous, and the latest      support for NVIDIA VRWorks. Make sure your PC is GeForce GTX VR Ready before stepping into the Rift!
  • The new driver also brings the latest support and enhancements for the upcoming HTC Vive headset.

New Features
 • This driver provides support for the Vulkan™ 3D API.
 • Added Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR) support for SLI configurations driving a GSync monitor.
 • Added SLI support for YUV422 at 4k and YUV420 with 12-bpc at any resolution.
 • Power Saving: The driver now puts the GPU in the OFF state, with video memory in self-refresh mode, when the monitor is blanked or inactive. (Windows 10)
 • Added external graphics UI (Windows 10)
 • Improved fluidity of ShadowPlay videos for DirectX 12 applications and under SLI.

Application SLI Profiles
 • Dark Souls III - SLI profile added
 • Hitman - SLI profile added
 • The Technomancer - SLI profile added
 • Zui Zhong Bing Qi (Ultimate Weapon) - SLI profile updated

3D Vision Profiles
 • Dark Souls III - Not recommended
 • Gears of War Ultimate Edition - Not recommended
 • Hitman Pro - Not recommended
 • Paragon - Not recommended
 • Quantum Break - Not recommended

Windows 10 Fixed Issues
 • [364.54] System hang or BSOD on express installation of 364.54 driver over 364.51 driver with single HDMI monitor connected. [200181626]
 • [Razer Dock] Hot unplug then plug causes “Display driver has stopped responding and has recovered” notification. [200172155]
 • [SLI, Tom Clancy's The Division] Frequent freezes and pauses as well as low GPU usage result in low FPS. [1744361]
 • [364.51, SLI] BSOD when SLI enabled on 364.51 or 364.47. [1739730]
 • [364.51, SLI] In a multi-monitor configuration with one G-SYNC monitor and one nonG-SYNC monitor, the FPS in games drops to single digits if Chrome hardware acceleration is enabled and V-SYNC is off. [1719037]


Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7 Fixed Issues
 • [SLI, Tom Clancy's The Division] Frequent freezes and pauses as well as low GPU usage result in low FPS. [1744361]
 • [359.00] PowerDirector crashes in nvspcap64.dll. [1708900]


Software Modules
 • NView - version 147.00
 • HD Audio Driver - version
 • NVIDIA PhysX System Software - version 9.15.0428
 • GeForce Experience - version

 • CUDA - version 8.0



Windows 10
Windows 7 & 8.1

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Why aren't these drivers working on my p570wm w win7 64-bit? I get black screen and windows reset. I have to go to safe mode and use ddu to revert.

Edited by Sh1nRa358
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