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Upgrade GTX-750Ti to GTX-960. Does it make sense ?


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I have at the moment MSI 750Ti OC-2GB.

When I play games under Yosemite OS X sometimes I have freezes and low FPS in Counter-Strike:GO for example.

Will it helps if I will install NVidia GTX-960 2GB?

Thanks in advance

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Generally, I'm not sure if the upgrade would be worth it. It might be better to go with a GTX 970, if your budget allows it.

However, I'd expect the 750 Ti to perform smoothly in such games as CS:Go and have no trouble with them at all. Perhaps there is some other culprit. Are drivers, software, etc. up to date?

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  • 8 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

What are the other specs of your system? It would make no sense to upgrade your gpu if your cpu is weak.


I went from a 560Ti to a 960 2gb and i think it is about the same jump in performance. The 960 is much faster then the 560ti, but I expected more from the 960. I am thinking to sell my 960 to get a 970 (or 1060Ti if it comes out). 


If you have freezes and frame drops, check the temps of your system. Something might be overheating. 

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  • 2 months later...

I don't think so you need to upgrade , just go to your nvidia panel and manually select nvidia graphic for  CS:Go in application settings. I think the game is using the iGPU instead of the discrete. 

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