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OFFICIAL: M17x-R3 Benchmarking Thread

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hey brian do you have an 06 runs that i can use for comparisons. something seems off with my runs.

I never did an 06 run man, sorry. What seems off about yours?

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logs don't show any signs of throttling, oh well gonna wait till dane get his new rig so we can compare scores.

That's strange that the score is dropping though. Can you post the GPU-Z logs? I don't think 3dmark06 pushes the GPU utilization close to 100% so it might be hard to spot.

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I'm assuming the gaps I see are when the program is switching between tests? Otherwise nothing really stands out. Very strange, I wonder if its because of a lack of voltage to the core that it internally shuts off shaders or something?

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Brian, I can almost confirm your theory. I think it is voltage. A little back history... On the M17x R2 bench thread I mention that I was going to try lower voltages with the same overclock with my 5870's at one point and I wasn't sure if .01 or .005 adjustements would show up or if it only worked in .05 steps. Well what I ran into was my scores went down consistently when there was less voltage applied or just crashed. What could be happening is clocks could eventually be so high that it requires more voltage to get better performance and when there isn't enough voltage and clocks are raised above a certain level the score goes down Perhaps if the clocks are lowered a bit the score goes back up. So again perhaps if voltage was able to be increased... we could possibly see higher scores at those clocks.

*ILOVEBOOBS what if you drop from 880 to the 830-850 range?Maybe that will get the 300 points or so you were looking for.

Edited by mw86
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The voltages aren't able to be raised at this point on the 6970m, my current rig is throwing the same issues that when I go over a certain point my scores start dropping pretty drastically by hundreds of points for every 5-10mhz. On a side note here's about as good as this rig is gonna get without LN2 lol.


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Dangerclose, I only used my voltage as an example of what happens when you reach you voltage limit. You said exactly what I was explaining after a certain point rasing clocks just lowers your performance so stay in the range before you see a drop in performance. Right on DangeRclose! By the way nice score!

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The voltages aren't able to be raised at this point on the 6970m, my current rig is throwing the same issues that when I go over a certain point my scores start dropping pretty drastically by hundreds of points for every 5-10mhz. On a side note here's about as good as this rig is gonna get without LN2 lol.


Dane, do you see any increase/decrease in scores/performance from playing with cpu bclk?

PS: Nice location!

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mw86- Thanks man, it's just too bad that these 6970's are starting to look like they aren't ever going to be a true benching card without the voltages. What the heck happened to your R2 by the way? Deceased?

Kune- Yeah but it's minimal to say the least, the problem I have is I can't go beyond 100.20 and remain stable and I can't even boot beyond 100.40. Based on the info I've seen the way SB is designed the BCLK isn't a good way to overclock them, a lot of the stuff I've seen states that much over 105.00 you have a high risk of frying the chip. Basically I don't think we're gonna get OCing options on these SB chips that's very viable other than possibly an unlocked multiplier. Thanks! ;) Funny thing is someone over at NBR complained about that and a mod deleted my location.

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I can say with 100% certainty that the "over 100.5" thing is a baseless rumor. Although it didn't even post (and I had to reset every time), I tried 101.5, 101, 100.9, etc...all the way down to my particular 2630's sweet spot at 103.4

I've also read that ASUS and MSI have both made statements against the 100.5 comments, but have never seen said statements myself.

......Not that an extra 50khz is really going to offer much of anything.

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Wow, you got luckier than I did with my current rig, mine won't push past 100.20 and stay stable. And yes I mean 100.20 not 102.00. Can you look at one other thing for me kune? In your bios on the main page there's a line that says "Sandy Bridge Version..." can you tell me what yours says, mine says QS and I'm hoping that's not QS as in QS/ES. If Dell sent a QS chip to me they're going to have some major problems.

Edited by DaneGRClose
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Okay how are you guys editing your baseclock at all on sandy bridge, I did it on R2 with Setfsb and or bios overclock...

Yes deceased! It was horrible Dell made twice a scheduled in home repair and the first tech replaced motherboard and both gpu's and now it won't boot without freezing 30 seconds after start. I have a case number and when The Avenger is released they will call to place an order on a M18. After it starts production I will be sent return labels and send back R2. When my system is checked to be sure they have all their parts back I'll get my credit applied to my new M18 order! Mind you this was after there was going to be a 4th scheduled in home repair, so I got my bitch on and it took all day on hold and they avoided putting me on with a supervisor for hours. Plus they hung up on me once too. So after getting a supervisor and them to offer me refund/exchange they were only offering the 17R3 well not good enough... After a drawn out battle and I had to debate the fact that R3 was not an equal replacement I finally got an agreed M18 as a replacement. Can't wait but I can't evenuse my R2 anymore... Glad I had my documents backed up before they started working on it. The first tech manhandled everything when he worked on it... Something didn't fit back right he jammed on it. They don't have the respect we have for our systems.

Edited by mw86
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Okay how are you guys editing your baseclock at all on sandy bridge, I did it on R2 with Setfsb and or bios overclock...

Yes deceased! It was horrible Dell made twice a scheduled in home repair and the first tech replaced motherboard and both gpu's and now it won't boot without freezing 30 seconds after start. I have a case number and when The Avenger is released they will call to place an order on a M18. After it starts production I will be sent return labels and send back R2. When my system is checked to be sure they have all their parts back I'll get my credit applied to my new M18 order! Mind you this was after there was going to be a 4th scheduled in home repair, so I got my bitch on and it took all day on hold and they avoided putting me on with a supervisor for hours. Plus they hung up on me once too. So after getting a supervisor and them to offer me refund/exchange they were only offering the 17R3 well not good enough... After a drawn out battle and I had to debate the fact that R3 was not an equal replacement I finally got an agreed M18 as a replacement. Can't wait but I can't evenuse my R2 anymore... Glad I had my documents backed up before they started working on it. The first tech manhandled everything when he worked on it... Something didn't fit back right he jammed on it. They don't have the respect we have for our systems.

That sucks man, I've been through the Dellienware nightmare a few times so I feel what you're going through. I'm to the point now that if possible I deal with just one tech manager that I have a direct line for and they just ship me the parts as they know the techs in my area are morons to say the least. They've now replaced 3 systems due to the "techs" here in Utah. Nice to see you're getting an M18x though, I'm sure it'll be awesome. On the BCLK editing it's built right into the bios, Alienware has it sitting there even more open than the overclocking in the M11xR2(editable FSB in increments of 1mhz). The nice thing is if you were really inclined to push it you could fry your CPU using that and it's still warrantied as Alienware has openly said anything overclocked in the bios that they provide access to is still under warranty ;) I'm just hoping my replacement rig ends up being better with a BCLK change than the current one.

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Really, editable in bios 1mhz baseclock increments? So there's not even a limit on that by them? The desktop 2600K seems to respond to a 4-6 mhz max increase on the 100mhz baseclock. Not sure if that's even safe but I read it somewhere on a guide on overclocking the new 2600K. I know I miss my R2 already and techs are stupid... atleast the first one sent to me, the second was fine but it was too late for my R2. They send contracted repair techs not accustomed to Alienware.

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man i've been there too, my first ever dell repair was a nightmare. ended up getting a replacement after that foul up. ever since i have done everything myself with the dell tech just chilling and waiting, now they just drop off parts and come back later to pick up the defective parts.

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