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New to laptop ocing

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  • 3 weeks later...

The short answer is, "there is".

If you just want to overclock it mildy w/o flashing vbios and such, you just need to get software like MSI Afterburner. Mind that you need to edit the MSIAfterburner.cfg file in the installed folder. You need to add the line below.

UnofficialOverclockingEULA = I confirm that I am aware of unofficial overclocking limitations and fully understand that MSI will not provide me any support on it

Also change the UnofficialOverclockingMode value from 0 to 1. Or else it will revert back to default every time you reboot.

I only use the Afterburner at the moment, but it allows me the extra performance to record my gameplay w/o having stutters where it would if I hadn't overclocked.

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