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nvidia GT650 M: all about overclocks: values? software? temp? throttle fix?


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Hi, after installed a vbios, what i have to do for overclock my gt650m?

1) nvidia inspector is the best way?

2) can you explain the difference between the 3 levels in inspector ( p8, p5, p0) ?

3) surfing, i found this (by Eats7) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8BzmVEcUKrYang1WEtFblRRMFk/edit?pli=1

I Just run the .bat and the throttle iusse is fixed? forever, or have i to run the .bat everytime windows stars?

5) Fixed the throttle iusse, what about max gpu temp? 80 C?

4) How can i have my inspector overclock setting when windows starts?

5) After some test, i understand that if i start inspector with -forcepstart:0,5, i can lock the values; but if i prefer lower values while gpu is in indle,and higher values when gpu works, i have to use the p0 levels. Right?

6) With your experience, what is a safe limit for clock frequency? 1000mhz? and about memory clock?

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Hey there johannesynt I'll try to answer your questions as best i can.

Hi, after installed a vbios, what i have to do for overclock my gt650m?

1) nvidia inspector is the best way?

Nvidiainspector is one way, i personally use msiafterburner as it is just easier to use.

2) can you explain the difference between the 3 levels in inspector ( p8, p5, p0) ?

P8 - This is your "Idle" state, when in this state your 650m gpu is on, but is not being utilized. sometimes happens with certain programs.

P5 - This is the normal operating state when you use the 650m. Stock clock is 745mhz.

P0 - This is your "boost" state. When needed, the driver will boost from 745 to to 835 mhz

3) surfing, i found this (by Eats7) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8BzmVEcUKrYang1WEtFblRRMFk/edit?pli=1

I Just run the .bat and the throttle iusse is fixed? forever, or have i to run the .bat everytime windows stars?

This was merely a bandaid i came up with, it forces you to use P5, so there will be no throttle (throttling happens in P0 - the boost powerstate)

I don't reccomend doing this anymore, because driver version 331.65 disables the P0 state (by accident-its a bug apparently) so you can only go between p8 and p5. The nice thing about this is with the modded bios, you can overclock it to reach better clocks.

5) Fixed the throttle iusse, what about max gpu temp? 80 C?

I personally have not found the ceiling, if there even is any. I have not seen over 75 on my gpu.

4) How can i have my inspector overclock setting when windows starts?

This is why I reccomend using afterburner, it has an option to automatically do this. Although if your keen on using inspector, there is a way

5) After some test, i understand that if i start inspector with -forcepstart:0,5, i can lock the values; but if i prefer lower values while gpu is in indle,and higher values when gpu works, i have to use the p0 levels. Right?

This is why i say it's more of a bandaid then a fix. some people create two bat files and switch between the two, when they need to. I prefer just using msi afterburner and driver version 331.65

6) With your experience, what is a safe limit for clock frequency? 1000mhz? and about memory clock?

I have mine at 1125 mhz core and 3000mhz mem. if i go to 1150 i get driver crashes.these numbers are beside GPU CLOCK in nvinspector as it shows what your clock is even if your not using your gpu.

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This was merely a bandaid i came up with, it forces you to use P5, so there will be no throttle (throttling happens in P0 - the boost powerstate)

I don't reccomend doing this anymore, because driver version 331.65 disables the P0 state (by accident-its a bug apparently) so you can only go between p8 and p5. The nice thing about this is with the modded bios, you can overclock it to reach better clocks.


About 331.65, i have it, and yes the boost didn't work...but yesterday i installed the vbios, and immediatly the boost worked. Infact now, without overclock, whern i start a game, the clock works at 835 mhz.

And yesterday (after vbios intelled) i tried to change the p0 level with inspector, and it worked. So apparently with 331.65, the p0 is no longer disabled.

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