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TEST REQUEST, M14X OR M17R3 with 2720/2820

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If you have time, can you please try this test and see what your processor does during the test as far as turbo characteristics?

Install Throttlestop (set to off but keep it open to observe Turbo and cpu speed)

Install wprime

Open both, set wprime to 8 threads and run 1024. Watch your multiplier during the test. Example (I have mine set to max turbo duration) so I have 26x for approx 3 minutes then it drops to 25.34-25.54 for the rest of the test. If I set my BCLK to max it will keep the characteristics the same but temps increase a little and power draw is higher. Let me know how yours does and temps as well. Again my new max temp with 6 consecutive runs is 80c. Again I will assume this will go up 2c over the next 2 weeks even though the paste said no set in time necessary. Best Wishes, StevenX

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2720 here: ran the 1024 wprime

it stays at 30x for like 5 sec then drops to 29.5x for 90 sec or so, then drops t0 28x for a few secs then the reminder of the test is at 27.5. max temp at 85. also have my bclk at 107.


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Iloveboobs (inap) - Does the m17xr3 allow a higher bclk setting than the m14x? It seems ours only goes up to 103.1. Will setfsb or something allow it to go higher? I have a purchased version of setfsb if it works. Thanks so much for running the test!

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everything was done in the bios. i took me a couple of tries before 107 was accepted for some reason i was able to set it higher after the laptop has been warmed up, on a cold boot i wasn't even able to go past 105 sometime less. 107 was been good so far for me, been like 2 weeks with no problem, been lazy to go any higher.

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So Inap you keep 107 baseclock 24/7? Sounds like a fair increase and you said you've found it stable for 2 weeks so far? I've read that max recommended in most cases is very close to that value anyway.

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So the only way to OC the R3 right now is via BIOS ?

The stock paste i got the R3 with seems very shitty, i am idling at 55-60C on the CPU.. Thursday my mobo is being replaced and while we're at it i'll put on some fresh MX-4.. once i do that i'll bench mine too and post results here.

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So Inap you keep 107 baseclock 24/7? Sounds like a fair increase and you said you've found it stable for 2 weeks so far? I've read that max recommended in most cases is very close to that value anyway.

yeah using 107 for the past 2 week, been rock solid even use it for benching. so far haven't seen to many people going over 105.

So the only way to OC the R3 right now is via BIOS ?

The stock paste i got the R3 with seems very shitty, i am idling at 55-60C on the CPU.. Thursday my mobo is being replaced and while we're at it i'll put on some fresh MX-4.. once i do that i'll bench mine too and post results here.

can't wait to see your results, i'm idling around 45-50 maybe need to repaste too.

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That's awesome Inap! I think 107 gives a nice increase on the system... what does your ram run at then... do you change your ram settings... leave them the same or does the baseclock change the speed the ram runs at like on I7 first gen?

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