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Clevo Metabox P570WM monster laptop


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Hahahaha Yeah i can go more volts easy for the GPU,s as the temps only max out at 75 degrees even with this 1050v vbios. lol Next bump up in voltage should get me way over 15k total id say, and no.1 spot on 3dmark11 for this setup as there is still one user with the P570WM that is just beating me but id say he has more GPU voltage.. ;) Will do that after im finished testing and playing with this real bios!

Edit: I doubt i will ever get as high a GPU score as Johnksss OR Mrfox with there Alienwares as i think they are using some sort of cooling aid e.g A/C under the base of system etc.. I could run my laptop in a meat fridge and net heaps more points but i don't see the point in running tests out of real life conditions so i will just do my best with the machine sitting flat on my desk as i use it everyday and the results will be true and honest to what the system is capable of doing.. ;)

I only hit 80C with fans on auto also with a 1.05V BIOS @1019/4720, and I think I can stay under 75C if I force the fans high. I believe that you have beefier radiators so your temps should be lower than mine. Maybe clevo bends the heatsinks where they contact the GPU die on the P570 like they do on the P150 and P170. Lapping the heatsink and increasing die pressure dropped my temps by almost 20C, and using liquid ultra dropped temps even more.

Just something to keep in mind if you want to push more volts. Maybe run the laptop in that meat freezer just once day to beat everyone else :)

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how do you guys overclock the 680m sli?

i used nvflash for the moddified vbios and i set vcard clockspeed +150mhz.

when i play starcraft II or any other games GPU-Z sensors show me the stock clockspeed, but when i use MSI Kombustor (running stress test) my GPU-Z shows me the adjusted clockspeed.

did i something wrong? why does the increased +150mhz just active in the stress test??

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how do you guys overclock the 680m sli?

i used nvflash for the moddified vbios and i set vcard clockspeed +150mhz.

when i play starcraft II or any other games GPU-Z sensors show me the stock clockspeed, but when i use MSI Kombustor (running stress test) my GPU-Z shows me the adjusted clockspeed.

did i something wrong? why does the increased +150mhz just active in the stress test??

Some games a crap code and not optimised. No matter what you do, it doesn't load the GPU,s fully so they think its a holiday and have no need to run at full clock speed. Not saying that is what is going on, but many games have that issue! Other than that, im not sure...

I only hit 80C with fans on auto also with a 1.05V BIOS @1019/4720, and I think I can stay under 75C if I force the fans high. I believe that you have beefier radiators so your temps should be lower than mine. Maybe clevo bends the heatsinks where they contact the GPU die on the P570 like they do on the P150 and P170. Lapping the heatsink and increasing die pressure dropped my temps by almost 20C, and using liquid ultra dropped temps even more.

Just something to keep in mind if you want to push more volts. Maybe run the laptop in that meat freezer just once day to beat everyone else :)

Yeah i won't need too really, the temps are good. Read around and you will see how good 680m,s with a 1050v vbios and untouched cooling and only reach 75 degrees C Max is freaking awesome! I have the higher vbios files so when i get time i will run them and see what happens! Will try normal conditions first and then if i can't i will do it with A/C. ;)

Meat fridge would be cheating! Hahaha

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Has anyone tried to activate PCI-e 3.0 with Premas Bios yet?

there is a tutorial to add an entry to regedit

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Video \ {GUID} \ 0000

add DWORD-32 "RMPcieLinkSpeed" (value 4)

or something like this...

i tried this on my P570WM, but it doesnt work for me.


okay prema told me that clevo has not activated pci-e 3.0 yet

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've been playing around with XTU and managed to clock my 3820 to 4.3 x 4 cores, and set my 32GB Vengance 1600 RAM to 2133 9,9,8,26. My 680's are running 1.025vbios @ 1010/2320. This setup is totally stable leading to max temps in games of 55c-65c CPU, 72c GPU 2 & 65c GPU 1, with fans set to auto. When benching, my CPU will approach 82c and both GPU's in the 70's with fans in auto and slightly lower with fans @ 100%. Does anybody have any further tips, or know of the pencil volt mod for the 680's. I am currently top on 3d Mark11 with this CPU on this setup with a score of P13649. I can supply pictures if you like. Also my full memory timings are tCL 9, tRCD 9, tRP 8, tRAS 26, tRD 5, tWR 12, tRTP 6, tWTR 6, tRFC 160, tFAW 24, 1T @ 1.50v stock. Anybody have any recommended tweaks for these settings.

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I only hit 80C with fans on auto also with a 1.05V BIOS @1019/4720, and I think I can stay under 75C if I force the fans high. I believe that you have beefier radiators so your temps should be lower than mine. Maybe clevo bends the heatsinks where they contact the GPU die on the P570 like they do on the P150 and P170. Lapping the heatsink and increasing die pressure dropped my temps by almost 20C, and using liquid ultra dropped temps even more.Just something to keep in mind if you want to push more volts. Maybe run the laptop in that meat freezer just once day to beat everyone else :)
Could you please direct me to the instructions for the pencil mod on the 680m. Thanks
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Find the manufacturer of the exact ddr ram you are using. The datasheet will indicate limits. How much they are overclockable depends on the bin of the ddr ram, which you can determine from the part number and datasheet. You'll have to look at the ram on the module, not the module manufacturer.

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Well had some spare time as iv been really busy away lately and started into the games again the other day since iv been back and decided to do a couple more benches and push this monster a little further! Very happy with the results and how it performs overall, best machine iv ever bought IMO. All benchmark tests were done with laptop sitting flat on my desk with NO additional cooling aids, its how i use the laptop everyday. I am pretty sure i could get more if i direct cool with A/C or run benches in a walk in fridge but these results are in normal honest environment as any normal person would use it so this really shows its true capability! Not bad for a notebook huh ? ;)

Special thanks to Prema and Svl7 for the mods and help! ;)


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-3930K Processor,Notebook P570WM score: P15405 3DMarks <<< No.1 in the world, Wooooooooooot!! ;)


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Well done, that's now the fastest P570WM in the World! :surprise:

Why did you put the vRAM at 1135Mhz, it may do quite some more?

Yeah i can go a little more maybe 1150 but too much more and its not stable. (start artifact) Wthout some sort of cheating cooling like direct A/C or meat fridge that is the max. Those people with higher on the 680m are using Non conventional cooling. Mine is just standard ambient temp room flat on desk as you can see. I can get more but i need Air conditioning or something.. LOL I am pretty happy with that!! ;)

That was just first time to push it so i will try again when i have time and see what happens! lol

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Yeah i can go a little more maybe 1150 but too much more and its not stable. (start artifact) Wthout some sort of cheating cooling like direct A/C or meat fridge that is the max. Those people with higher on the 680m are using Non conventional cooling. Mine is just standard ambient temp room flat on desk as you can see. I can get more but i need Air conditioning or something.. LOL I am pretty happy with that!! ;)

That was just first time to push it so i will try again when i have time and see what happens! lol

Nice core clocks. I assume you're running a 1.1V bios? Mine can only do 1019 fully stable at 1.05V (1032 lasts for around 15 minutes), and my core is average. Sucks you got mediocre memory like I did. Some people can run over 1250 with no mods.

Your max CPU temp is listed as 56C... did you just start monitoring, or did you really only hit 56C in the 3dm11 physics test running 6 cores at 4.3ghz in a laptop?

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Nice core clocks. I assume you're running a 1.1V bios? Mine can only do 1019 fully stable at 1.05V (1032 lasts for around 15 minutes), and my core is average. Sucks you got mediocre memory like I did. Some people can run over 1250 with no mods.

Your max CPU temp is listed as 56C... did you just start monitoring, or did you really only hit 56C in the 3dm11 physics test running 6 cores at 4.3ghz in a laptop?

Its 1075 vbios. Mine can do 1070mhz with 1050 vbios! Not going any higher without some other source of cooling method. Iv never ever been able to get memory very high in anything i have had so i couldn't be bothered really trying to push that, you have to remember that its almost 500mhz more than stock even now which is decent tbh, but yeah some can get more but id rather have the core clock which is where the real gains are obviously. Once i start to see artifact coz of memory oc then i back it off a good deal so im sure its 100% perfect so it could probably go a little more.

And Noooo, at 4.3ghz the CPU temps are in the mid 80,s which is alright but at 4.4ghz which would get me right over 14k physics, i need a tad more voltage to be stable and the heat causes throttling under normal conditions so i will leave a true 4.4ghz run till the time when i decide to do an A/C run! Yeah I just started core temp after the run there.. ;)

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You have amazing cores with over 1100 at 1.075V with normal room temps and the chassis closed. 80C on the CPU make a lot more sense than 56C.


Ya, im pretty happy with it especially in mid to high 20 degree ambient room temps untouched machine. I could get more in a colder environment but this shows an honest run! :)

The top 680m scores in the world don't even reach 1250 memory so that kinda tells you something, that you lose some core when trying to run the memory so high. The highest 680m graphics score in the world runs memory at around 1180 or so and core at 1130. ;)

Yeah by running the memory a little lower, i got a bit more out of core which is what a few people do hence why i set it a fair bit lower than its limit. But when i have time i will try to raise it a little more to see but gains are gonna be minimal id say. ;)

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Ya, im pretty happy with it especially in mid to high 20 degree ambient room temps untouched machine. I could get more in a colder environment but this shows an honest run! :)

The top 680m scores in the world don't even reach 1250 memory so that kinda tells you something, that you lose some core when trying to run the memory so high. The highest 680m graphics score in the world runs memory at around 1180 or so and core at 1130. ;)

Yeah by running the memory a little lower, i got a bit more out of core which is what a few people do hence why i set it a fair bit lower than its limit. But when i have time i will try to raise it a little more to see but gains are gonna be minimal id say. ;)

Did you ever run 1 card a time to see which one is limiting you?

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Did you ever run 1 card a time to see which one is limiting you?

No actually. And one card runs a little warmer than the other due to the machine design so i might see which of the 2 cards is better and then put the better one in the position slot that gets a little warmer. heat kills stability.. e.g I used to run 2 MSI GtX 680 Lightnings @ 1.3v and 1400 mhz max on air, and i put them under water cooling and exact same settings and they did 1460mhz easy.. lol

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Got one of my own. Not many options in XTU. BIOS locked? How are you guy's OCing this thing?

Yes the Standard bios this comes with is really pathetic! It doesn't let you do anything and also causes Errors to occur if you try to do it with XTU. All the files are available on this site for you to unlock the true potential of this beast! First you will need to Get the Prema Mod Bios for the P570WM which is in the bios mods section on here. Then you will need to get the Svl7 modded vbios for your graphics cards which is also available on this forum and that will enable a bucket load more performance. ;)

http://forum.techinferno.com/clevo-sager/3119-premas-bios-mods.html <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Grab the one for your machine and follow the read me! ;)@ukyo

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