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NVIDIA Kepler VBIOS mods - Overclocking Editions, modified clocks, voltage tweaks

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I did not see before it was deleted.

anyways, Thank you for helping me

I thought I could flash 780m easily so I did not order 880m

It is the same card though. I should have bought 880m :'(

Send me PM.

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I just got a GTX 680M for my Clevo P150EM and would like to take better advantage of the horsepower that this card has. I'm just a little nervous with the whole flashing the card and risking bricking it aspect as well as the large amount of vBIOS's to choose from. I've looked up the whole flashing process and measures to prevent causing error but I'm still unsure of which version to use.

What exactly are the differences between each of the following versions?

Clevo 680m - 'OCedition' revised_01.zip (122.3 KB, 237 views) Clevo 680m - 'OCedition' revised_01.zip (52.5 KB, 163 views)

Clevo 680m -'OCedition'_revised_01 - OV 1000v.zip (121.6 KB, 218 views)

Clevo 680m -'OCedition'_revised_01 - OV 1025v.zip (121.6 KB, 225 views)

Clevo 680m -'OCedition'_revised_01 - OV 1050v.zip (121.6 KB, 260 views)

Clevo 680m - 'OCedition' revised_01.zip (112.8 KB, 308 views)

My understanding is that they all remove the artificial 135 core overclock limit but beyond that I don't really know the difference. I'm kind of hoping to find a version that automatically has higher max clock speeds, still downclocks when not in full use, plays well with Optimus, and doesn't cause temps too high that I need to use external cooling. I don't want to have to overclock every time I play if possible by resorting to software like MSI Afterburner. Essentially a fire and forget vBIOS.

I'm assuming one of the overvolted vBIOS's is what I want but I'm not sure. Also what is the difference between 33 and 67?


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[ATTACH=CONFIG]11254[/ATTACH] Is this dangerous? can i go any higher? its stable already... (max temp 78) thanks!

That's a good overclock! Temperatures seem OK. With +175mV, does that mean you're at 1.143V for the core at that overvolt when gaming? That would be quite a high voltage, I wouldn't push the voltage any higher than that, personally I wouldn't go above 1.1V. With my vBIOS I can go to 1.05V, and have considered 1.1V, but I'm leaving mine at 1.05V for now.

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I guess its higher than 1.150 :P Wouldn't be stable at 350mhz core clock... Would that damage the GPU? Thought temperatures are the cause...

I'm actually surprised by the temperatures i'm getting, I even used MSI overlay to monitor the frequency and the temperature, maximum today is 81...

I think it isnt worth the +50mhz, will drop it to 300 and +137.5mv...

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I just got a GTX 680M for my Clevo P150EM and would like to take better advantage of the horsepower that this card has. I'm just a little nervous with the whole flashing the card and risking bricking it aspect as well as the large amount of vBIOS's to choose from. I've looked up the whole flashing process and measures to prevent causing error but I'm still unsure of which version to use.

Clocks are all left stock since each card may have a different overclocking potential. Boost is removed. You can easily create a clock shortcut with nvidia inspector and make it start automatically when you boot the system.

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Hello svl7,

Would you be able to modify my stock Kepler 860m bios (MSI GS60)? Unlocked clock limiter would be nice, but really wish power & temp targets were available with boost gone maybe? Clocks are all over the place under load...



Many thanks! I'll buy ye a beer...

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I guess its higher than 1.150 :P Wouldn't be stable at 350mhz core clock... Would that damage the GPU? Thought temperatures are the cause...

I'm actually surprised by the temperatures i'm getting, I even used MSI overlay to monitor the frequency and the temperature, maximum today is 81...

I think it isnt worth the +50mhz, will drop it to 300 and +137.5mv...

Yeah, that's a big voltage difference just for 50Mhz, your +137.5mv sounds a lot more sensible.

It's hard to say what voltage will damage the GPU. I know the 700 series GPUs, both mobile & desktop use a higher voltage than their 600 series counterparts, but don't know if that's because they've been engineered differently to cope with it. The 750M uses up to 1.156V at stock voltages, and the 680 desktop card used up to 1.175V as long as temperatures were below 70 degC. High temperatures & high voltages equals silicon degradation, which will kill the GPU over time. Your temperatures are over 70 degC, so I definitely wouldn't go over the 1.156V of the 750M; if I had your cards & temperatures I probably wouldn't go over 1.1V. It's just a judgement call though, I don't work at NVidia so don't know what the rated lifetime of their GPUs are at different voltages & temperatures, I'm just making inferences based on how they've applied voltages on their Kepler cards in the past, and how Turbo Boost manipulates voltages with increased temperature (e.g. on GTX 680 desktop card reducing voltage when over 70 degC).

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My understanding is that they all remove the artificial 135 core overclock limit but beyond that I don't really know the difference. I'm kind of hoping to find a version that automatically has higher max clock speeds, still downclocks when not in full use, plays well with Optimus, and doesn't cause temps too high that I need to use external cooling. I don't want to have to overclock every time I play if possible by resorting to software like MSI Afterburner. Essentially a fire and forget vBIOS.

I'm assuming one of the overvolted vBIOS's is what I want but I'm not sure. Also what is the difference between 33 and 67?


They are all same other than different voltages and perhaps different power tables. Like svl7 said, all the clocks are at default.

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Hi, svl7!

Would it be possible to mod / unlock the attached HP K4000M bios? I know there's an unlocked Dell K4000M bios already, but I would very much prefer using the modded HP version. Attached find the vbios file.

Thanks in advance.

Also - would the Dell bios work on the HP card, in principle? If the board ID is compatible, any reason why it might not? (The HP definitely works with Dell Quadro cards - this has been tested already...)


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I was hoping you guys could help me out. I was getting ready to download the 670MX 3GB vbios from the 2nd post but I discovered that my card is not a Clevo. In preparation I used NVflash to dump the bios from my card and I discovered the version is in fact Now this is a 670MX from an MSI GT70, so I assume its a 3GB MSI card since the version does not match the 3GB Clevo and has more ram than the MSI thats already there.

Since I do not have 5 posts yet, I can not download the 670MX driver to compare and make modifications. If someone can link me to the Clevo driver that would be good, or take my bios, make the mods and include in the 2nd post, that could be better. I downloaded kepler bios tweaker but could not figure it out or find any guides online. Maybe someone could point me in the right direction.



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Hey Guys! Will there be a firmware for the 880M posted anytime soon? Any way that I can help?


If I had to guess, providing a bios file with your device information and description of the card to help classify it would go a long way.

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How safe is it to overclock the 660M? I have never overclocked a video card. I might not even need to upgrade to the 680m with this?!

I'm basically in the same boat as you, though my card is a bit faster. It's as safe as you make it. All my research is indicating that heat management is the biggest factor in all this. So OC all you want but once you see that you cannot efficiently cool the card you are on borrowed time. If I was in your shoes and basically what I am doing now, is get as much performance as you can and if its not enough plan to upgrade. Though honestly,. I would be looking for a 780M at least.

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I'm basically in the same boat as you, though my card is a bit faster. It's as safe as you make it. All my research is indicating that heat management is the biggest factor in all this. So OC all you want but once you see that you cannot efficiently cool the card you are on borrowed time. If I was in your shoes and basically what I am doing now, is get as much performance as you can and if its not enough plan to upgrade. Though honestly,. I would be looking for a 780M at least.

I just now started overclocking my m17x r4 with the unlocked bios and the unlocked vbios. Im pretty astonished over how much better it is performing in Total War Rome 2 and Farcry 3. significant fps improvement on better settings. Still not max setting but I think the 680m would take care of that. Plus my RTS such as EU4 and CK2 games have improved a lot in heavy late game where it was getting unplayable because the speed slowed down so much for each 100 years. I'm really happy so far and thanks to everyone on the site! I will definitely donate as soon as I can :)

First off I have a SSD to install and then hopefully a new 680M. Already ordered a better power adapter as the 180 wont cut it :/

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I just now started overclocking my m17x r4 with the unlocked bios and the unlocked vbios. Im pretty astonished over how much better it is performing in Total War Rome 2 and Farcry 3. significant fps improvement on better settings. Still not max setting but I think the 680m would take care of that. Plus my RTS such as EU4 and CK2 games have improved a lot in heavy late game where it was getting unplayable because the speed slowed down so much for each 100 years. I'm really happy so far and thanks to everyone on the site! I will definitely donate as soon as I can :)

First off I have a SSD to install and then hopefully a new 680M. Already ordered a better power adapter as the 180 wont cut it :/

What software are you using to overclock the GPU?

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Posted this on the bios request thread but maybe this is a better place...

I bit the bullet and flashed a K4000M HP card (8770w) with the Dell OC bios modded by svl7 (since the 8770w works with Dell cards anyway).

The flash seems to have proceeded as expected (I was asked to override the original card's ID and said yes), BUT the max oc is still fixed at 135MHz. I un- and reinstalled numerous driver versions (full un-install followed by DDUinstaller for good measure) after reading on this thread that this solved the problem with a K3000M (but then that was a svl7-modded HP bios, not a Dell one).

Is there a lock of some sort on/in the HP bios?

Can somebody please look at the original HP K4000M bios (attached, as saved by nvflash) to determine whether it is at least moddable?


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