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NVIDIA Kepler VBIOS mods - Overclocking Editions, modified clocks, voltage tweaks

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Stock CPU settings , same thing , 3DMARK pass 2 initial fase`s of test and ERROR at fisics:

Unexpected error running tests.

Workload work failed with error message: File: device_resources.cpp

Line: 155

Function: class eva::com_ptr<struct id3d11rendertargetview=""> __cdecl eva::d3d11::device_resources::create_render_target_view(struct ID3D11Resource *,const struct D3D11_RENDER_TARGET_VIEW_DESC *) const

Expression: m_device.native()->CreateRenderTargetView( resource, desc, result.receive()): DX11 call failed [-2005270523].

Hardware device removed.


Fire Strike not even start and error:

Unexpected error running tests.

Workload Single init returned error message: File: device_resources.cpp

Line: 313

Function: class eva::com_ptr<struct id3d11buffer=""> __cdecl eva::d3d11::device_resources::create_buffer(const struct D3D11_BUFFER_DESC &,const struct D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA *) const

Expression: hr: DX11 call failed [-2005270523].

Hardware device removed.

DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED: ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer:</struct></struct>


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I spoke with one of the guys I work with discussing power and the adapters and such. His theory is that inside the laptop there is a shunt that is keeping it from have the ability to take more than the 330w of power. The rectifier inside the adapter can so the same thing but that wouldn't stop it from taking more than one adapter like precious editions of the 18.

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so i applied the new 880M vbios today on my M17xR4 + reinstalled the video-driver (337.88).

so far so good, but i observed some strange behaviour when trying to downclock the core.

- standard gpu-clock is @993mhz

- i use nvidiainspector to change the clocks

- anything between 614mhz and 849mhz wont be recognized.

- i can choose rates between these two values, and nvispector shows them under "gpu clock", but "current clock" stays an either 614mhz or 849mhz

(for example, i tried to apply a 793mhz clock, down from 993mhz. so i choose "-200 base clock offset". "gpu clock" correctly shows the new value of 793mhz, but "current clock" immediatly goes to 614mhz until i change the "base clock offset"-value to -400 or more).

any tips what might cause this behaviour?!

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I spoke with one of the guys I work with discussing power and the adapters and such. His theory is that inside the laptop there is a shunt that is keeping it from have the ability to take more than the 330w of power.

That's correct. But as I told you, I don't have a system to investigate myself and I won't spend time on this unless someone is seriously willing to mess with its board.

so i applied the new 880M vbios today on my M17xR4 + reinstalled the video-driver (337.88).

so far so good, but i observed some strange behaviour when trying to downclock the core.

- standard gpu-clock is @993mhz

- i use nvidiainspector to change the clocks

- anything between 614mhz and 849mhz wont be recognized.

- i can choose rates between these two values, and nvispector shows them under "gpu clock", but "current clock" stays an either 614mhz or 849mhz

(for example, i tried to apply a 793mhz clock, down from 993mhz. so i choose "-200 base clock offset". "gpu clock" correctly shows the new value of 793mhz, but "current clock" immediatly goes to 614mhz until i change the "base clock offset"-value to -400 or more).

any tips what might cause this behaviour?!

Yes that's right. Actually ca 835MHz should work as well. After all it's called "OC edition" not "UC version".

If you want to run at 700Mhz the stock vbios will do the job as well.

<struct id3d11rendertargetview="">

Fire Strike not even start and error:


As mentioned, that's software related. Did you do something to try and solve this? I.e. using a different driver, re-install the benchmark, using system restore etc.

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Downloaded again, 3DMark gives error in the same place.

I do not know if I did the right to install the 337.88 drivers procedures because it does not recognize my video card, there must be done several procedures.

You can create a step by step for me to install drivers 337.88 in my M18X R1?

I'm already running out of ideas ... I've tried almost everything: (

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Well indeed I have this problem of the cards staying at full power at idle. What can I do to fix it?



I fixed it thanks for the reply and the mod svl7. Turns out that Nvidia Experience was in my startup and preventing my downclocking.


Dropping -8c at idle makes me happy.

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This is mine:


Seems like fairly identical IDs to me, unless the subsys part is checked.

- - - Updated - - -

Do I need to reinstall the nvidia driver after I flashed my gtx 880m vbios?

I didn't need to reinstall mine, it worked out of the box.

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Well i was going to flash my card but I have encountered a problem. With the new version of nvflash it says 'cannot run in dos mode'. An older version lets me enter dos mode but will not execute my file ' no video adapters found'. Stumped. Does anyone have any ideas?

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At least some tiny resistors.

No idea how much the board can actually handle though... :)

Define "crash". You got an AW17? The mobo of that machine doesn't seem to have a lot of headroom. Looks as if you hit a wall.

No, I'm afraid I can't really follow. The vbios itself is fine, it has been tested on different system. Ever tried running with stock cpu speeds? I have no idea how the R1 mobo behaves.

well...on +100mv the screen on 3dmark flickers and stutter... on +50mv its fine... maybe cause of my 120Hz Display..

i wasnt able to get higher than 1050 stable... if i do 1100 i need +75mv and its crashing also but sometimes on 3d mark my gpu score is 9700 but my cpu score drop from 10400 to like 8000 lol..i believe thats something with the power options... cause if i dont overclock the 880 my cpu stay 4 GHZ on all 4x cores all time. I am not sure if my psu is the problem because i run the 4910mq @ 1.155mv stable 4 GHZ

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well...on +100mv the screen on 3dmark flickers and stutter... on +50mv its fine... maybe cause of my 120Hz Display..

i wasnt able to get higher than 1050 stable... if i do 1100 i need +75mv and its crashing also but sometimes on 3d mark my gpu score is 9700 but my cpu score drop from 10400 to like 8000 lol..i believe thats something with the power options... cause if i dont overclock the 880 my cpu stay 4 GHZ on all 4x cores all time. I am not sure if my psu is the problem because i run the 4910mq @ 1.155mv stable 4 GHZ

Yeah, that's kinda what I'd expect. Sorry... that's simply your motherboard limiting you. Dell really implemented some strict limits on all voltage rails I'm afraid. The card itself is capable of much more, I benched it at 1200MHz+ in my ancient M15x with not throttling at all...

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Is there no way at all to increase the power to the AW18? If Dell locked it down some knowledgeable person should be able to unlock it.

I'm considering an effort toward doing something about that issue, as well as the locked down BIOS. I'm not ready to act at this time, and I need a spare Alienware 18 motherboard to work with first. I'm not going to sacrifice the current motherboard for the sake of experimentation. But, yes... there may be a way to undo the damage that was done by the designers. The question is whether these are simple examples of errors in judgment by the design team or if the motherboard is not robust enough to support additional power and they did that out of necessity to compensate for (i.e. mask) more severe design problems, like weak traces and circuits. But, we won't know until we try.

- - - Updated - - -

well...on +100mv the screen on 3dmark flickers and stutter... on +50mv its fine... maybe cause of my 120Hz Display..

i wasnt able to get higher than 1050 stable... if i do 1100 i need +75mv and its crashing also but sometimes on 3d mark my gpu score is 9700 but my cpu score drop from 10400 to like 8000 lol..i believe thats something with the power options... cause if i dont overclock the 880 my cpu stay 4 GHZ on all 4x cores all time. I am not sure if my psu is the problem because i run the 4910mq @ 1.155mv stable 4 GHZ

Have you purchased an Alienware M18xR1/R2/18 330W AC adapter to support your Alienware 17 yet? If not, that should be your next step. Several Alienware 17 owners are using the 330W adapter. You'll get nowhere fast with a wimpy 240W AC adapter. The usefulness of 240W and 330W AC adapters ended with 6990M and 580M/675M. The Alienware 18 needs two 330W AC adapters to function correctly with any kind of serious overclocking. It overclocks like a banshee and does a great job with SLI disabled, so your 17 should as well.

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I'm considering an effort toward doing something about that issue, as well as the locked down BIOS. I'm not ready to act at this time, and I need a spare Alienware 18 motherboard to work with first. I'm not going to sacrifice the current motherboard for the sake of experimentation. But, yes... there may be a way to undo the damage that was done by the designers. The question is whether these are simple examples of errors in judgment by the design team or if the motherboard is not robust enough to support additional power and they did that out of necessity to compensate for (i.e. mask) more severe design problems, like weak traces and circuits. But, we won't know until we try.

Would be nice to know what they did one way or the other. Im no serious OCer but still nice none the less. Ive often wondered why on the 17 vs the 18 the vid cards and such are flipped to the other side of the board.

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Okay, I gave this a shot today.

Before: 3DMark 11: P12907 / 3DMark Firestrike: 9252

After: 3DMark 11: P13498 / 3DMark Firestrike: 9533

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 880M video card benchmark result - Intel® Core i7-4940MX CPU @ 3.10GHz,Notebook P377SM-A

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 880M video card benchmark result - Intel® Core i7-4940MX CPU @ 3.10GHz,Notebook P377SM-A

I need to get my temps under control though. I have 12 new GPU screws and a 4.5g tube of ICD7 coming. It doesn't like MX-4 for whatever reason. My gaming temps are running in the high 80s and after unlocking the BIOS, my GPU hit 93C which caused the system to kick fans on full blast to bring it back in the 80s. These GPUs are HOT...!

Here's a GPU graphing. I ran both 11 and 13 on the same GPU-Z log (Firestrike was first then 3DMark 11 - 3DMark 11 stresses the computer more than Firestrike does from what it looks like).


As you can see, the GPU is boosting the entire time that the benchmarks are running.

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Is there anyone else there who has M18X R1 with GTX880M 8GB using the new VBIOS?

Is it just me or am I having problems?

It is not possible .. I've done:

Uninstall the drivers with DDU (the latest)

Install the VBIOS

driver to respond both in games and in 3DMark.

I've tried with no CPU overclocking

Have tried with overclocked CPU

I have tried to download the GPU clock

I've tried older drivers

I've tried the version not steam 3DMark

I await someone who can help me doing a walkthrough of how to install the video drivers and / or having any suggestions ....

My birthday is today, someone gave me a gift.

Thanks to all

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Yeah, that's kinda what I'd expect. Sorry... that's simply your motherboard limiting you. Dell really implemented some strict limits on all voltage rails I'm afraid. The card itself is capable of much more, I benched it at 1200MHz+ in my ancient M15x with not throttling at all...

so even if my cpu run at 1.155 static voltage it doesnt help to up the gpu voltage? lol...

btw i just got a problem when i plugout my PSU and start the laptop it crashes in windows and asking me to change to my iGPU which i dont have due to 120HZ Display...and after 5 sec and some flickers to black screeen it just freeze... i can see the mouse only but nothing works.. i shutdown and put the psu and all work again.

i save the original bios with gpu z am i able to flash it back or will that brick the card

3D Mark 11 score


3D MARK score


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