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AMD 7970m (Dell) VBIOS package.zip 1.0.0

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Did some tests with the VBIOS of the AMD 7970m, here's what I've got so far:


- Overvolting: So far no success, when I increase the 3d voltage the card simply stays at the 2d profile. Fixed that:) 


Be aware that overvolting should only be done by experienced users and can seriously harm your GPU, shorten the life of its components and lead to unsuspected effects and / or system instability. I take no responsibility for any possible damages.


Overvolting has been tested by me and @widezu69 (thanks!). It works, but can lead to instability, you need to find your limit. The M15x doesn't handle it well. I noticed similar behaviour as with my overvolted 6970m, drops in clocks, instability etc. At 1.15V even immediate crash at GPU load.


The M17x R3 seems to handle it a bit better, there's probably more headroom in the voltage supply circuits which are providing the voltage for the GPU.

I was able to run some vantage tests at 1Ghz with a 0.05V overvolt, my previous core clock limit was at about 950Mhz... so it definitely works. Different systems will behave in different ways, only way to find it out is to test it. Don't do it if you lack overclock experience.


- Undervolting: Only did some quick tests, but it seems to work. The driver crashed all the time at clocks which normally worked fine. And at more sane clocks the card worked as expected. - Update: Yes, works very well :) 


- Core / memory clocks: Works fine so far, I only tested the 3d settings, but I assume it also works for the other clock profiles.


In the GPU-Z screenshot you can see the changed clocks:



There's quite a bit of work behind this, so just in case you want to buy me a beer... :)


Here's a list of what the package contains. The names are pretty self-explanatory.

"uv" for undervolt, "ov" for overvolt, clocks are "core-memory"


Keep in mind that you need to rename the files before flashing due to the 8 character file name limit in DOS.

Modified clocks:



Overvolted & modified clocks:


All files are based on the OEM Dell 7970m VBIOS.



For flashing refer to this guide:


There's a list with the checksums of all files included in the VBIOS package, I highly recommend to check the integrity of the file before flashing it. This can easily be done with ATIflash, if you don't know how please check the guide linked above. 


And as always, flash on your own risk, you are responsible for your system and the changes you make on it.

Feel free to ask questions, feedback is welcome as well!

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