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Some useful third party freeware/shareware utilities that T|I members may need.
4 files
NVFlash Windows x86
By svl7
Flashing Overview:
- Go to the device manager -> 'Display Adapters' -> chooser your GPU, right click on it and choose disable
- Flash the VBIOS with mnvflash, a modified version of nvflash (see attachments). Below are detailed instructions for nvflash in case you aren't familiar with it.
- After the flashing is done: Enable the GPU once again in the device manager.
- Reboot
Detailed Instructions:
As soon as you see the command line you're ready to go, write
dir and hit enter to display all the files on the USB drive.
Display all Nvidia adapters in the system:
nvflash -a
or alternatively the longer version of the command:
nvflash --list This command will return you a list with all Nvidia adapters present in your system.
Here's an example output of this command run on my M15x with a 680m in it:
NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.117) NVIDIA display adapters present in system: <0> N13E-GTX (10DE,11A0,1028,02A2) H:--:NRM B:02,PCI,D:00,F:00 The number in the <> brackets is the index of the corresponding device. SLI users will have more than one entry and flash each card separately.
Backup your current VBIOS:
Never forget to keep a backup of your original VBIOS before you flash anything non-stock. Use this command to save a copy of the firmware to your USB drive:
nvflash -b filename.rom or with
nvflash --save filename.rom
Flash the VBIOS to your card(s):
For a single card it's really straight forward, you don't need to worry about the adapter indices. Just use this command:
nvflash -6 vbiosname.rom -6 will allow you to override mismatches of the PCI subsystem ID. In case of a mismatch you'll need to confirm the flash with 'y'. NOTE: Users with a non-US keyboard might need to press 'z' or similar, because the 'y' isn't at the same location for all keyboard layouts.
SLI users will need to flash each card separately. The concept stays the same, but you will need to use the corresponding adapter index to flash a card. How to figure out the adapter nr. is described above.
Flashing goes like this:
nvflash -i[index] -6 vbios.rom [index] represents a number, namely the index you found with the 'nvflash -a' command. So a command example to flash a card which has index 0 is: 'nvflash -i0 -6 vbios.rom'
Donation link
In case you want to buy me a beer
Thanks and cheers!
By Guest
One-click solution to backup & flash your NVIDIA GPUs with mod & stock versions in Windows!
Password for all files: premamod.com
All my mods are DONATIONWARE and for your personal use only!
NVIDIA Inspector 1.97.3
By Brian
Developed by Orbmu2k, NVIDIA Inspector is an invaluable tool for NVIDIA GPUs which has a variety of features including but not limited to the following listed below.
Feature overview:
Overclocking - Ability to set GPU base clock, memory clock, power and temperature target, voltage offset and fan speed. Profiles - Create per GPU overclocking and fan speed profiles. NVIDIA profile manipulation - Ability to modify NVIDIA game profiles.
updated setting constants until driver r343 updated custom settings override reported default value for aa gamma correction and shader cache fixed donation link show memory vendor shortname after memory type you can now add "-silent" param after the nip file for silent profile import creating startup tasks will add 30sec task delay creating seperated startup tasks for each perf level fixed default values for non p0 state oc controls fixed mdps apps drag & drop from non elevated desktop fixed rop calculation for maxwell 2 cards
- nvidia
- nvinspector
- (and 5 more)
NVFlash Windows x86 Certificate Checks Bypassed
By Brian
NVFlash 5.236 modified by JoeDirt that bypasses certificate checks allowing for flashing of GTX 950, 960, 970, 980, 980Ti, Titan X. This version of NVFlash is to be used on Windows x86 platform using command prompt window.
1. Disable video card(s) in device manager
2. Open command prompt as administrator and change to the directory where nvflash + .rom files reside.
If you have multiple GPUs installed in your system, type the following to list them
nvflash --list
3. Next, you will need to choose which GPU to flash and then issue the command.
nvflash -i0 -6 <name.rom>
After you choose 'Y', the utility will flash your GPU. In the example above, the primary GPU was flashed so if you have a second, then follow up with commands such as:
nvflash -i1 -6 <name.rom> Once you have completed flashing your GPUs, you must reboot your system and then re-enable the GPUs in device manager. After which you may be required to reinstall your driver in some cases. If you have any questions, direct them in the forums.
- nvflash
- certificate check
- (and 1 more)